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根据H.R. 6545 - 2018年针对妇女的暴力行为再授权法案,家庭暴力被定义为一种行为模式,涉及使用或企图使用身体、性、语言、情感、经济、或技术滥用或其他强制性行为犯,启用,或请求获得或维持权力和控制一个受害者(温迪麦克尔罗伊,2018)。Wendy McElroy在她的文章《对妇女的暴力行为法案》中给出了这一定义,她在文章中谈到了家庭暴力的一些问题。麦克尔罗伊女士是家庭暴力的受害者,她对这个问题非常关注。她的文章详细描述了一般人可能不会考虑的家庭暴力(DV)。例如,在术语“技术滥用”下,你会发现一些术语,如不想要的、重复的电话、文本消息、即时消息或社交媒体帖子。然而,谁又能说,是什么决定了一个人接到多少次电话才算“重复”呢?在伊内斯·赫科维奇(Ines Hercovich)的ted演讲视频《为什么女性在遭受性侵犯后保持沉默》(Why Women Stay Silent After Sexual Assault)中,她主持了一个有大约5000名女性参加的论坛。赫科维奇女士向这群妇女分享了一些有趣的数据。她说,在我们的生活中,有1250人曾经或将会受到性侵犯,也就是每四个人中就有一个人受到性侵犯。1250人中只有10%会报告。另外90%的人会选择沉默。90%的人会保持沉默,因为事件涉及到亲密的家庭成员或他们认识的人,这使得处理和谈论这件事变得更加困难。另一半人不敢说出来,因为他们害怕别人不相信自己。
  According to H.R. 6545 – Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2018, domestic violence is defined as a pattern of behavior involving the use or attempted use of physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, economic, or technological abuse or any other coercive behavior committed, enabled, or solicited to gain or maintain power and control over a victim (Wendy McElroy, 2018).  Wendy McElroy provides this definition in her article, Violence Against Women Act Diminishes the Seriousness of Domestic Violence, where she addresses some of the issues of domestic violence.  Ms. McElroy was a victim of domestic violence and is very passionate concerning this issue. Her articles details items of domestic violence (DV) that the average person might not possibly consider.  For example, under the term technological abuse you will find terms such as unwanted, repeated telephone calls, text messages, instant messages, or social media posts. However, who is to say what determines the number of calls a person receives before they are considered “repeated?”In the TedTalks video by Ines Hercovich entitled, “Why Women Stay Silent After Sexual Assault,” she conducted a forum with about 5000 women present. Ms. Hercovich shared some interesting statistics to the group of women. She stated that 1250 have been or will be sexually assaulted at some point in our lives that is one in every four. Only 10 percent of the 1250 will report it. The other 90 percent will take refuge in silence. Half of the 90 percent will remain silent because the incident involves a close family member or someone they know, and that makes it much more difficult to deal with and talk about. The other half don’t talk about it because they fear they won’t be believed.

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