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加州留学生作业代写 NIKA

Keywords:加州留学生作业代写 NIKA

Nika是一家在美国销售瓶装水的公司,它把全部利润投资在社会项目上。他们的目标是通过提供教育和安全的水,以及埃塞俄比亚、厄瓜多尔、肯尼亚等欠发达国家的卫生环境来消除贫困和疾病。在这些地区,清洁水是一种稀缺资源(Nika, 2018)。联合国估计,在2005年,11亿人(占全球人口的20%)无法获得安全和负担得起的饮用水,26亿人(占全球人口的40%)无法获得安全的卫生设施。与水有关的疾病是普遍缺乏清洁水所造成的最具破坏性的后果之一,不仅破坏生命,而且破坏当地的经济。据估计,到2020年,将有多达1.35亿人死于这些与水有关的疾病(Nika, 2018)。此外,当地的经济和家庭预算也因不断需要购买昂贵的药物来抵消饮用污染水的影响而耗尽。改善贫困和疾病的一个有效方法是提供清洁的水和卫生设施。Nika项目的总体目标包括四个项目:水、教育、卫生和健康(Nika, 2018)。他们在每个村庄提供水井和学校,提供厕所和水槽。这样,孩子们就不用每天两次跋涉2.5小时去取水,避免了在路上被强奸的危险,孩子们就有更多的时间去学习。这四个目标不仅是为他们提供更好的条件,更重要的是,是可持续的。据报道,爱尔兰消费者和企业每年扔掉100万吨食物,十分之一的人生活在贫困中(food cloud, 2018)。Food cloud team提供了一个简单的、可扩展的解决方案——一个应用程序和平台,使剩余食物的再分配尽可能简单,将企业与足够的食物匹配到社区的慈善机构。零售商和企业使用该应用程序上传他们剩余食物的详细信息,当地慈善机构收到通知他们的短信。然后,慈善机构可以收集捐款,并将其分发给他们所支持的个人。该平台还与志愿者网络相连接,志愿者在网络上记录自己购买的食物,并为开车的志愿者指路,然后司机将食物送到慈善机构(food cloud, 2018)。他们使用一种新的方式——互联网技术——来解决现存的食物浪费问题。截至目前,爱尔兰和英国共节省了18,782,157公斤的食物;41320745顿饭重新分配给慈善事业;节省慈善机构约2,045万欧元;9500多家慈善机构和社区团体,4000多家零售商和合作伙伴与Food cloud合作。他们的目标是在五年内减少35,636,353吨二氧化碳。更重要的是,这个爱尔兰的社会企业现在正在全球扩展他们的业务。
加州留学生作业代写 NIKA
Nika is a company that selling bottled water in America, and it invests its total profit on social programs. They aim to end poverty and disease by offering education and safe water, sage hygiene environment in less developed countries like Ethiopia, Ecuador, Kenya etc. in these regions, clean water is a scarce resource (Nika, 2018). The United Nations estimates that in 2005, 1.1 billion people (20% of the global population) did not have access to safe and affordable drinking water, and 2.6 billion people (40% of the global population) did not have access to safe sanitation . Water-related diseases are one of the most devastating consequences of the general lack of clean water, not only damaging life but also damaging the local economy. It is estimated that as many as 135 million people will die from these water-related diseases by 2020 (Nika, 2018). Besides, the local economy and family budget are also depleted by the constant need to purchase expensive medicines to counter the effects of drinking polluted water. An effective way to improve poverty and disease is to provide clean water and sanitation. The overall objectives of the Nika project include four items, water, education, hygiene and health (Nika, 2018). They provide a well and a school in each village, providing toilets and sinks. Then, children don’t have to travel for 2.5 hours twice a day to collect water, avoiding the risk of being raped on the road, and children can have more time to learn . These four goals are not only to give them better conditions but more importantly, to be sustainable.It is reported that Irish consumers and businesses throw 1 million tons of food a year, and one in ten live in poverty (Food cloud, 2018). Food cloud team provides a simple and scalable solution – an application and platform that makes redistribution of the remaining food as simple as possible, matching businesses with sufficient foods to charities in the community. Retailers and businesses use the app to upload detailed information about their remaining food, and local charities receive text messages that notify them. The charity can then collect the donations and distribute them to the individuals they support. The platform also connects to the volunteer network where volunteers track the record of the food they acquired and give the directions to the volunteers who drive, then drivers will deliver the food to charities (Food cloud, 2018). They use a new way- Internet technology- to solve the existing food waste problems. As of now, 18,782,157 Kg of food saved in Ireland and the UK; 41,320,745 meals redistributed to charitable causes; saved approximate 20.45 million Euro of charities; 9500 plus charities and community groups, 4000 plus retails and partners work with Food cloud. They are aiming to reduce 35,636,353 tonnes of carbon dioxide in five years. What is more, this Irish social enterprise is now expanding their business globally.

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