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铁路货物运输是由铁路从一个地方转移到另一个地方。如果距离较短,人们通常会选择货车帮助,只有在长途的条件下,他们会选择铁路运输。或者人们可以使用铁路运输货物到一个地方,然后到最后的地方使用其他车辆。这就是所谓的多式联运,在现代工业中具有显著的影响(bontekoning。并购macharis Y.。丙,2004)。随着技术的发展,许多铁路公司已经安装了远程监控设备。在2940公里的澳大利亚电气化,三个主要轨道轨距保持41461公里的轨道。可以说,澳大利亚铁路货运业是以国家为基础的。 由于铁,煤等矿产资源的出口量迅速增加。其他行业如制造业、农业等,其出口量也在上升。据估计,货运任务将增加2020倍,根据基础设施,交通和区域经济局的估计。在随后的五年通过2012-2013年度收益利润将增加2.4%。到目前为止,澳大利亚铁路货运业的收入是九十亿美元,年增长率从2008到2012,有二零三个企业雇佣了24669名工人(铁路货运市场研究报告,2013)。 图1 图1说明了澳大利亚货运任务的四种主要运输方式(基础设施、运输和区域经济局,2012)。从这个数字,可以得出结论,铁路运输任务正在上升,虽然公路运输也在上升,它确实有附加率作为铁路。和沿海航运货运任务是稳定澎湃,几乎停留在原有水平。铁路货运业似乎成为货物运输模式的领导者。然而,世界铁路货运三分之二集中在发展中国家,俄罗斯和中国印度的相关组织,开展活动,在三季度这个行业,见图2(阿摩司。P,2013)。


Rail freight transport is to transfer cargo by railroads from one place to another. If the distance is short, people would usually choose wagon to help, only under the condition of long distance would they choose the rail transportation. Or people may use railway transport cargo to one place and then get to the final place using other vehicles. This is called intermodal transport which has a significant influence in modern industry (Bontekoning. Y.M & Macharis. C, 2004 ). With the development of technology, many rail companies have installed equipments to monitor the rails remotely. In Australia of 2,940 km is electrified, three major track gauges keep track of 41,461 km. It can be said that rail freight industry in Australia is state-based.
As the export volume of iron, coal and other mineral resources is increasing rapidly. Other industries like manufacturing, agriculture and so on, their export volume is also on the rise. It is expected that the freight task would be doubled by 2020 according to the estimation from Bureau of Infrastructure, Transportation and Regional Economics. And over the following five years through 2012-2013 the annual revenue profit increase would be 2.4%. Up until now, the revenue in Australia of the rail freight industry is nine billion dollars, annual growth from 2008 to 2012 is 2.4%, and it has twenty three businesses employing 24,669 workers.(Rail Freight Transport Market Research Report, 2013).
Figure 1

Figure 1 illustrates four major mode of transport for Australia’s .freight task (Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics, 2012). From the figure, it can be concluded that the rail transportation task is rising, though road transportation is rising as well, it does has the added rate as the rail. And the costal shipping freight task is unstably surging, almost stays at its former level. The rail freight industry seems to become the leader of cargo transport mode. Yet, the world’s two-third of rail freight are gathered in developing countries, related Federations in Russia, India and China carry out activities of over three quarters of this industry, see Figure 2 (Amos. P, 2013).

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