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English Essay代写:不同的外观

Keywords:English Essay代写

在移动geliwitz再次从他们放在火车车厢这一次不同的人完全进入汽车。他们对生活有不同的看法,生活意味着什么。他们也有不同的外观,现在这么瘦更适合汽车。(魏塞尔·P·97)“我们的大脑是腐烂记忆的旋风。我们的心麻木了,夜晚越来越长,永远不会结束。”(魏塞尔98)作者可以说字面上的夜晚,因为他们的道路,以他们的新的位置,但我觉得他说的夜晚,他们将生活在他们的生活的其余部分。他们将永远无法从他们的脑海中删除那些记忆,在经历了如此可怕的夜晚似乎永远不会结束。工人的面包扔在车厢的故事表明,战斗在人体具有生存高于一切的故事的另一个平行的和需要在心灵和感情麻木的人。当老人得到面包,因为他和他的儿子和他的儿子是一个是殴打他死亡采取面包从他的父亲,儿子是超越人类在那个时刻,甚至不承认自己的父亲呼吁他停止。(魏塞尔第101页) 当他们终于到达目的地,Buchenwald,Elie的父亲已经放弃了。生存的意志是生命中任何方面生存的关键。当一个人被诊断为癌症,当你迷失在荒野中,当任何斗争出现时,你必须保持生存的意志。这是在书中证明,当人们失去了他们的生活意志后,学习的亲人谁没有使他们放弃了,不久后死亡。“我知道,我不再跟他争论但死亡本身,死亡,他已经做出了选择。”(魏塞尔105页)他父亲的健康恶化,Elie开始意识到他太做事的方式他祈祷他不会。他试图帮助他的父亲,但得到了忠告:“在这个地方,没有像父亲,兄弟,朋友这样的东西。我们每个人的生活,孤独的死去。”(魏塞尔110页)当他的父亲通过在晚上没有人意识到它的发生和Elie发生了永久性的变化。他感到自由和饥饿。他父亲死后没有别的事重要了。这是他的身体接管他的思想和情绪和驾驶一切在他的生存和生存,你只需要食物。

English Essay代写:不同的外观

On the move again from Geliwitz they were put in train cars again this time different people entirely entered the cars. They had different views on life and what it meant to live. They also had different appearances, now so skinny more could fit into the cars. (Wiesel p. 97) “Our brains a whirlwind of decaying memories. Our minds numb with indifference…The night was growing longer, never ending.” (Wiesel p. 98) The author could be speaking of the literal night as they road to their new location but I feel that he was talking about the night that they will all live in for the rest of their lives. They will never be able to remove those memories from their minds and after experience something so horrific the night must seem never ending. The story of the workers throwing bread on to the train car shows another parallel in the story of the fight the human body has for survival above anything else and it takes over the heart and emotions numbing them. When the old man gets bread for he and his son and his son is the very one that is beating him to death to take the bread from his father, the son is beyond human in that moment and does not even recognize his own father calling out for him to stop.

When they finally reach their destination, Buchenwald, Elie’s father has given up. The will to live is the key to survive in any aspect of life. When a person is diagnosed with cancer, when you are lost in the wilderness, when any struggle arises you must keep the will to live. This was proven in the book when people lost their will to live after learning of loved ones who did not make it; they gave up and died soon after. “I knew that I was no longer arguing with him but with Death itself, with Death that he had already chosen.” (Wiesel p. 105) As his father’s health worsens Elie starts to realize that he is too is acting the way he prayed he would not. He tried to help his father but was given the advice “In this place, there is no such thing as a father, brother, friend. Each of us lives and dies alone.” (Wiesel p. 110) When his father did pass in the night no one was aware of it happening and Elie was changed forever. He felt freedom and hunger. Nothing else mattered after his father died but food. This was his body taking over his mind and emotions and driving everything in his being toward survival and to survive you just need food. (Wiesel p. 112-113)

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