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在《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)上发表的文章中,安利公司(Amway Company)的总裁道格•德沃斯(Doug DeVos)正在重塑中国业务,以在中国取得成功。该公司学到的最大的教训之一是,随着他们在世界各地的成长,对市场的真正理解,包括文化、经济、政治和人民,是至关重要的。安利于1974年进入亚洲,并于1998年开放香港,并以2亿美元的规模经营并快速发展。然而,中国政府对一些直接卖家的行为感到不满。与产品质量、可靠性和我们的信任相关的问题非常严重。中国官员需要保护消费者,杜绝不道德行为。但政府采取的行动是极端的:取缔直接销售,惩罚合法和不道德的卖家。而现在看来,安利虽然对中国的经营有一定的承诺和投资,但也有可能被排除在商业之外。然而,安利开始改变经营方式,以适应中国的新规。公司创建了实体店,这是他们以前从未做过的。这就意味着把产品卖给那些从街上来的人,而不是他们平常做生意的方式。通常当安利进入一个新的国家,他们会从美国进口产品。但对中国来说,他们在那里生产商品,所以公司已经改变了他们的整个分配制度。安利也不能依靠口碑来推动直销,选择做品牌广告。简而言之,他们几乎要全面改革。2005年通过了一项法案,允许安利重新回到直销业务模式。2006年,公司获得了在中国开展业务的新许可证。今天中国是最大的市场,年销售额超过40亿美元。由此我们可以认识到,中国的政治环境造成了风险,改变了商业结构。(“安利的总裁正在重塑事业,在中国取得成功”,2014年,第41 - 45页)。
Following to the article in Harvard Business Review, the president of Amway Company Doug DeVos is reinventing the business to succeed in China. One of the biggest lessons that the company learned that as they have grown around the world is that a true understanding of the market- place, including culture, the economics, the politics, and the people, is essential. Amway entered Asia in 1974, with the opening of Hong Kong and by 1998 China was a $200 million operation and growing fast. However, Chinese government was becoming unhappy with the actions of some direct sellers. Issues related to product quality, reliability, and our trust were rampant. Chinese officials needed to protect consumers and to put a stop to unethical practices. But the action government pursued was extreme: outlawing direct selling and punishing legitimate as well as unethical sellers. And now it appeared that Amway could be put out of business, despite their commitment to and investment to China operation. However Amway started to change operations to accommodate Chine’s new regulations. Company created a physical stores, something that they had never done before. That meant selling products to people who came in off the street again not their usual way of doing business. Typically when Amway enters to a new country, they import products from United States. But for China they manufacture goods there, so company have changed their entire distributer compensation system. Also Amway couldn’t rely on word-of-mouth that drives direct sales, choosing to do brand advertising. In short they had to overhaul nearly everything. In 2005 legislation was passed that would allow Amway to return to direct sales business model. Company received new license to do business in China in 2006. And today China is largest market, with more than $4 billion in annual sales. From this we could recognize that Chinese political environment create risk and changed business structure. (“Amway’s president on reinventing the business to succeed in China”, 2014, p. 41-45).

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