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History Essay代写:奥斯特里茨战役

Keywords:History Essay代写

在提到上述问题的绘画,奥斯特里茨战役(板9.17)也被称为三帝之战,它描述了一个时刻,从拿破仑的可能是一个伟大的战役战斗在拿破仑时间。这是对俄罗斯和奥地利的捷克共和国。艺术家弗兰çOIS GéRAPD委托作画,这伟大的艺术作品为大臂éE很著名战役的纪念。或许我们可以认为这是弗兰çOIS GéRAPD申办识别作为一个军事历史画家。这是一幅在捕捉他无与伦比的军事胜利的时刻,Napoleon Bonaparte皇帝个人的沉着指挥。这是可能的,Napoleon Bonaparte可能委托图像和支配主体的条件及其处理并控制其显示。 绘画(见图9.17)展出了1810沙龙,虽然最初这个大画布注定要天花板上的室中éCONSEIL D' TAT(的状态)遇见。如上所述,这是一个非常大的画布,尺寸为510×958厘米(200.8 x英寸)和油画帆布组成。艺术家,弗兰çOIS GéRAPD使用的绘画技术和“线性”技术在这一特殊的画,这似乎直观显示绘画的新古典主义风格,柔软的区域,例如太阳光,表明绘画技术与明亮的'软'的音调,并在明暗对比柔和的颜色。也许在艺术家在绘画中使用的技术术语的一个简短的概要是;“绘画”技术是一种通过颜色肿块形状描述。然而,“线性”技术更多地是围绕着线和边界,虽然它很难区分两者之间的场合,他们往往融合在一起。色调和颜色也发挥了重要作用,这幅画,颜色的红色和金色的制服和马钉法国军队,从而使外观的皇室或丰富的法国军队,而俄罗斯和奥地利在相当单调,深颜色。

History Essay代写:奥斯特里茨战役

The painting in the mentioned in the question above, The Battle of Austerlitz (Plate 9.17) was also known as the Battle of the Three Emperors, it depicts a moment in time from Napoleon’s campaign and possibly one of the greatest battles Napoleon fought in. It was against Russia and Austria in the Czech Republic. The artist François Gérard was commissioned to paint this great art piece as a commemoration for the Grande Armée's very famous battle. One can perhaps argue this was François Gérard’s bid for recognition as a painter of military history. It is a painting of individual command in capturing the composure of the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in his moment of unparalleled military victory. It is possible that Napoleon Bonaparte may have commissioned the image and dictated the terms of the subject and its treatment and also controlled its display.
The painting ( Plate 9.17) was exhibited at the Salon in 1810, although originally this large canvas was destined for the ceiling of the chamber in which the Conseil d’état (Counsel of State) met. As mentioned this is a very large canvas, the dimensions are 510 x 958 cm (200.8 x 377.2 in) and consists of oil on canvas. The artist, François Gérard uses both the ‘painterly’ technique and the ‘linear’ technique in this particular painting, which seems to visually display the neo classical style of painting, the softer areas, for example the sun light, indicate the ‘painterly’ technique with bright ‘soft’ tones, and muted colours in dark contrast. Perhaps a short synopsis on the terminology of the techniques used in painting by artists is; the ‘Painterly’ technique is one which depicts shapes by solid masses of colour. Whereas, the ‘linear’ technique is based more around lines and boundaries, although it is hard to differentiate between the two on occasions, they often blend in well together. The hue and colour also play a significant role within this painting, colours of red and gold on both the uniforms and horses tack of the French military, thus giving the appearance of royalty or richness among the French army, whereas the Russian and Austrian are in rather drab, dark colours.

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