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对于在任何给定的国家市场中经营的企业来说,物理环境也是一个关键问题,应该考虑企业如何对待物理环境及其对企业的影响,以及物理环境通常对企业的影响。总的来说,与世界上遭受地震、飓风和森林火灾等高强度自然灾害的其他地区相比,英国的物理环境相对较好。尽管存在这样的环境,但最近英国出现了一些影响零售业的环境问题。这包括日益频繁的洪水(零售公报,2013年)和由于暴风雪和地方政府未能为恶劣天气时期做好准备而导致的销售低迷。环境分析的其他方面要求企业考虑自身对环境的影响。总的来说,文献(Parsons and MacLaran, 2009)认为消费者越来越意识到企业对其环境的影响。因此,如果企业要保持客户忠诚度,避免负面负面影响,就必须设法将对环境的影响降至最低。在零售业,这可能包括减少浪费、提高运输效率和实施合乎道德的采购政策。虽然不遵守这些消费者的要求可能会导致消费者的负面反应,但通过采用正确的方法,高环境信誉可以用来增加产品或服务的价值。这样的例子可以在玛莎百货(2013)和Body Shop在零售业的商业模式中看到。
The physical environment is also a key issue for firms operating in any given national market and consideration should be considered two how firms treat the physical environment and the impact this has on the business, but also the impact the physical environment generally has upon a business.In general terms, the physical environment which Next operates within in the UK may be seen as relatively benign in comparison to other parts of the world which suffer from high intensity natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes and forest fires. Despite such an environment there have been a number of environmental issues recently in the UK which have affected the retail sector. These have included increasing more frequent floods (Retail Bulletin, 2013) and poor sales due to snow storms and the failure of local authorities to prepare for periods of inclement weather Other aspects of the environmental analysis require firms to consider their own impact upon the environment. In general terms, the literature (Parsons and MacLaran, 2009) considers that consumers are becoming increasing aware of the impact of businesses upon their environment. As such, if businesses are to maintain customer loyalty and avoid negative backlashes, then they must seek to minimise their impact upon the environment. In the retail sector, this may include reducing waste, running more efficient transport operations and implementing ethical sourcing policies. While failure to comply with such consumer demands may result in a negative consumer backlash, with the adoption of the right approach, high environmental credentials can be used to add value to a product or service. Such an example is seen in the Marks and Spencer (2013) and Body Shop business models in the retail sector.

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