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早在16世纪,笛卡尔就邀请其他思想家来探究肉体与灵魂的复杂性与冲突,关于肉体与灵魂冲突的范围的模糊仍然是难以捉摸的。最大的挑战仍然是身体和思想究竟是什么。被认为是人类思想之源的心灵,作为第二大众,是人类许多行为的动力,许多学者对其进行了研究,以理解是什么赋予了人类心灵命令。从16世纪起,哲学的学术桌上出现了许多观点,其中大多数观点都不那么引人注目,甚至过于模糊,无法解释这个显而易见的问题。保罗·丘奇兰德(Paul Churchland)和其他排除主义唯物主义方法的支持者,试图解开使人的身心复杂的谜团,提出了一些对民间心理学公然抨击的论点。根据沿着消除唯物主义的细枝末节争论的哲学家们的观点,当我们消除了最大的障碍,即民间心理学关于精神状态的概念时,理解身体和思想的复杂而实际的本质的唯一方法将被接受。丘奇兰在《民间心理学家头脑中的意义》一书中指出,生理状态与心理状态是不可能匹配的,应当从人类本体论中剔除民间心理学所倡导的民族;为消除唯物主义这一名称辩护的观点。这一观点成为对人类心灵的唯物主义的方法,而教会的土地主张消除了这一观点。
From as early as the 16th century when Descartes invited other thinker to query the complexities and conflicts of body and soul, the obscurity on the scope of body-soul conflict has remained elusive. The biggest challenge has remained what actually the body and the mind are. The mind that is attributed to be the source of human thoughts, regarded as the second public and the drive of many of the human actions, has been investigated by many scholars to understand what gives the human mind commands. From the16th century numerous view points have been served on the academic table of philosophy with a majority of them being less compelling or even too obfuscated to explain the obvious problem.In an attempt to unravel the mystery that makes the body and the mind complex, Paul Churchland and other proponents of the eliminative materialist approach have presented a number of arguments that are blatant shots at the folk psychology. According to philosophers who argue along the grains of eliminative materialism, the only way out in understanding the complex but practical nature of the body and mind will be embraced when we do away with the greatest stumbling block which is the folk psychology’s concept of mental states. In his spirited fight to knock sense in the heads of folk psychologists, Churchland argues that it is impossible match physical states with their corresponding mental states and the nation propounded by folk psychology should be eliminated from the human ontology; a view that justifies the name eliminative materialism. This view becomes the materialistic approach towards the human mind which Churchland claims eliminates.

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