With the conditional boundaries being understood as occurring in the sports sector of the events industry, the analysis contains a number of constraints which can be adjusted to work in favor of the sponsor, but which work upon the attendee. The proper event, based upon its demographic and other component factors, represents an opportunity for a particular business or corporation to have a forum to reach segments of their demographic profile on a more personal and controlled basis. The event entails a participatory structure whereby the attendee either elects to make an appearance, or is expected to do so by his peers, or other considerations. As the first option is the overwhelming choice, due to the voluntary nature, said attendees are more than likely to be in an anticipatory mode with the expectation of an enjoyable time.With this as the foundational mood sponsors should be more disposed to buying into the circumstances as a platform to reach attendees, who conversely are likely to be in a more receptive mood to influences as a result of the festive occasion, in general. Chisnall (1994) refers to the foregoing, on the part of the attendee, as the importance of social considerations in consumer behaviour. Palmer (1998) as well as Chisnall (1994) refer to the importance of establishing and building customer loyalty as variables in the buying process. The foregoing applicability with respect to sponsors in event marketing is a factor of the manner in which the event is conducted, organized and the interest factor inherent within the event and sporting connection. The loyalty of the attendee can be enhanced by his perception that the sponsor or advertiser support the activity, thus tend to be viewed positively. Today’s general public is aware of corporate participation and support as a result of pronouncements in the media, as well as comparison with other activities. This awareness represents the opportunity to establish a foundation of loyalty perception that is beneficial.