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古腾堡印刷机的发明遭到了“声称印刷机如果不加以控制,将导致混乱和欧洲知识分子生活的解体”(舍基1)。然而,这种情况在我们的历史上一再发生。“创造或消费媒体自由的每一次增加”,都预示着即将到来的“混乱和智力崩溃”。我们的现代技术正在改变我们大脑的工作方式。我们不再需要记住我们的技术为我们做了什么。似乎有一种健忘症影响着我们;互联网改变了我们的工作方式。我们的大脑改变的方式,从网络的使用,被辩论并且产生了非常不同的结果。加里·斯莫尔(Gary Small)是神经科学家、教授和作家,他研究了网络搜索对大脑的影响。研究一半有24位参与者的大脑“没有互联网的搜索体验,”另外一半,经常使用互联网显示海拔刺激的“区域与复杂的推理和决策”(Munro地方······在4)。“网络新手”的参与者有类似的结果在他们的“额叶”后5天。斯莫尔认为,使用技术已经影响了我们的大脑,“大脑向新技术的方向转变,并受到新技术的激励。”这听起来不错,然而,当我们越来越依赖于科技我们成为“智力懒惰”(Munro,2)。Shirky说,“事实上,网络恢复阅读和写作中心的活动在我们的文化”(3)。网络极大地帮助人们与他们的研究,在搜索结果中出现的瞬间,而不是通过图书馆的日子。后来,不像我们过去那样读书已经有了代价。卡尔分享了他的挣扎:“现在我的注意力常常开始分散……”(1)我们曾经的专注力已经改变了,我们的大脑也永远地改变了。
The invention of Gutenberg's press was met with "claims that the printing press, if not controlled, would lead to chaos and the dismemberment of European intellectual life" (Shirky 1). Some people become anxious with new changes that throw out the restrictions that once was the norm. This, however, happens again and again throughout our history. "Every increase in freedom to create or consume media," brings forecast of impending "chaos and intellectual collapse." Our modern technology is changing the way our brains work. We no longer need to remember anything our tech does that for us. There seems to be a form of amnesia affecting us; the internet has changed the way we function.The way our brains have changed, from the use of the Web, is debated over and has yielded very different outcomes. Gary Small, a neuroscientist, professor, and author studied the effect that Internet searching had on the brain. Twenty-four participants were studied with half having "no Internet search experience," the brains of the other half that regularly used the Internet showed an elevation in stimulation of the "regions associated with complex reasoning and decision-making" (qtd in Munro 4). The participants who were "Internet novices" had similar results in their "frontal lobes" after five days. Using technologies has influenced our brains, Small argues, the "brain shifts towards and is energized by, new technological skills." This sounds good, however, as we rely more and more on our tech we become "intellectually lazy" (Munro, 2). Shirky states that "the Net, in fact, restores reading and writing as central activities in our culture" (3). The Net has greatly assisted people with their research, having search results appear instantly instead of days of going through the library. Subsequently, not reading as we used to has had a price. Carr shares his struggle, "Now my concentration often starts to drift . . . I get fidgety, lose the thread, begin looking for something else to do" (1). The concentration we once had has changed, our brains forever altered.

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