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威廉姆森一直给予的任务组织备受期待的事件可以在伦敦奥运会中发挥关键作用,本质上是事件的成功或失败取决于威廉姆森所采用的策略。这是由于这样的事实,威廉姆森面临双重目标最大化的出勤率以及最大化的收入以及完成目标事件真正的公共事件,它的收视率并不仅仅局限于上游市场,而不同的人住在这个国家得到了每一个机会来查看不同的体育赛事(Frever,2003)。此外,威廉姆森的另一个目标是努力是,他必须确保适当的数量的观众出现在地面来扩展他们的支持团队,玩游戏为了使事件一个有趣的和难忘的(Frever,2003)。本质上这些不同目标是矛盾和成就的一个目标意味着威廉姆森将跳过另一个目标,因为本质上是一个涉及不同目标之间的权衡,威廉姆森正在努力完成的体育赛事。为了增加游戏的热情,不同的观众将参加游戏,不仅对英国也属于其他邻居国家。由于这个原因威廉姆森的关键营销决策时应确保适当的情感支持的所有玩家参与游戏的扩展,这应该提供一个基础的定价决策。游戏团队或球员来自英国涉及可用于收益极大化的来自全国各地不同的观众会住在体育场观看这样的事件。另一方面,国家和个人之间的比赛是属于世界的不同地方,在这种类型的情况下努力应该直接使用低定价策略以完成考勤的目的。有鉴于此,威廉姆森得到简化定价过程应确保全体出席,只要合理使用“收益极大化原则”,但不是在全体出席的成本(斯坦顿et al .,2005)。确保全体出席应该票务收入的主要目标,同时保证事件应该是次要的目标。这是由于这样的事实:票务收入仅占总收入的20%体育赛事将生成。此外,威廉姆森应该越来越少依赖通过票务收益极大化,而依赖应该进一步减少,强调可以转移到其他收入的方法。例如,赞助收入占收入的最大来源的事件本质上取决于观众的数量实际上是存在于地面(阿克,2003)。为了避免问题,应该直接那些购买机票实际上是在地上。因为它发生在北京奥运会,虽然所有的票都卖的提前,组织者都未能让观众对相关的理由是不仅降低热情的体育盛会,同时也是创建ill-well赞助商和领导对电视观众的兴趣减少,威廉姆森应他最好的努力,避免这样的问题,本质上是为了这个目的不同设施和设施应提供理由。在这方面,可以称为预付机票欢迎的一步,然而这不是结束,其他营销工具也应该用于驱动个人向地面,可能包括但不限于提供饮料和快餐在地上,消费活动指向突出事件和幸运的人在地面观看比赛,和伏击营销(阿克,2003)。


Williamson who has been given the task of organizing the much awaited event could play a key role in the London Olympics and essentially the success or failure of the events rests on the strategy adopted by Williamson. This is due to the fact that Williamson is confronted with dual objective of maximizing attendance as well as maximizing the revenue along with accomplishing the objective of making the event a truly public event, the viewership of which is not just limited to the upstream market rather different people living in the country got every chances to view the different sporting events (Frever, 2003). In addition, another objective that Williamson is striving is that he has to ensure that proper numbers of spectators are present in the ground to extend their support to the teams that are playing the game in order to make the event an interesting and truly memorable (Frever, 2003).
Essentially these different objectives are contradicting and accomplishment of one objective mean that Williamson will skip another objective as there is essentially a tradeoff involved between different objectives that Williamson is striving to accomplish for the sporting events. In order to increase the enthusiasm of the games, different spectator will attend the game that will belong not only to UK but also to other neighbor countries. Due to this reason Williamson while making the key marketing decisions should ensure that proper emotional support to all the players that are involved in the games are extended and this should provide a base for the pricing decisions. Games where teams or players from UK are involved could be used for the revenue maximization as different spectators from around the country will try to watch such events live in the stadiums. On the other hand, games which are played between countries or individuals that belongs to diverse parts of the world, in such sorts of situations efforts should be directed to use low pricing strategy in order to accomplish the attendance objective. With this in mind, Williamson get a simplified pricing procedure should ensure "full attendance" and whenever warranted use "the revenue maximization principles" but not at the cost of full attendance (Stanton et al., 2005). Ensuring the full attendance should be the prime objective while ensuring the ticketing revenue of the event should be secondary objective. This is due to the fact that the ticketing revenue accounts for just 20% of the total revenue the sporting event will generate.
In addition, Williamson should rely lesser and lesser on the revenue maximization through ticketing rather the reliance should be decreased further and emphasize could be shifted to other revenue generation methods. For example, the sponsorship revenue that accounts for the largest source of revenue for the event essentially depends on the number of spectators that are actually present in the ground (Aaker, 2003). In order to avoid problems, efforts should be directed that those purchase the ticket are actually available in the ground. As it happened in the Beijing Olympics that although all of the tickets were sold ahead of time, the organizer were failed to bring the spectators towards the grounds that not only decrease the enthusiasm associated with the sporting event but also create ill-well of the sponsors and led towards decreased interest of television viewer, Williamson should make his best efforts to avoid such problems and essentially for this purpose different facilities and amenities should be provided within the grounds. In this regard, the prepaid ticket could be termed as welcome step, however this is not the end, other marketing tools should also be used to drive individuals towards the ground that may include but not limited to providing drinks and fast foods in the ground, consumer campaigns directed towards highlighting the event and the lucky individuals who watch the game within the ground, and ambush marketing (Aaker, 2003).

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