Law Essay 代写:事故赔偿
Keywords:Law Essay 代写

事故索赔的发生通常发生在道路上,在工作场所或在家里。在这种情况下,道路交通事故是一个人可以要求事故赔偿的主要原因之一。令人伤心的是,尽管英国的交通安全设计和技术,但在道路交通事故中死亡的人数正在增加。在2010-11年3%在英国的道路死亡人数增加。在这张图中,行人受到的影响最大,即12%死亡在2010-11赛季比2009-10。另一方面,死亡人数已经下降在摩托车和骑自行车的人。如果我们考虑工作意外,148人死于工作意外在2012 / 13,根据健康和安全执行。
Law Essay 代写:事故赔偿
Accident claims arise from the accidents usually happening on roads, at work places or at homes. In this case, road traffic accidents are among the major causes in which a person can claim for accident compensation. It is sad to know that the number of deaths in road accidents in UK is increasing despite of vehicle safety design and technology. There was an increase of 3% in deaths on Britain’s roads in 2010-11. In this figure, pedestrians suffered the most, i.e. 12% more killed in 2010-11 than in 2009-10. On the other hand, fatalities have been dropped amongst motorcyclists and cyclists. If we consider accidents at work, 148 people died in work accidents in 2012/13, according to Health and Safety Executive.
According to Fatal Accidents Act 1976 following parties or people could be considered as the close family member:
The wife, husband or former wife or husband of the deceased
The civil partner or former civil partner of the victim
Parent of the victim or the person treated as parent by the victim
Any child or other descendent of the victim
Any brother, sister, uncle or aunt of the deceased
Although the compensation payment is not able to resolve such irreparable losses but such thing can help in decreasing the pain and distress. This could show the person that the justice has been done that could help in relieving the sadness. Law shows that there is a limit of 3 years from the death of the close relative during which the person can apply for accident compensation. Moreover, the person has to provide the information about the relation and other evidences to the legal officer so that he or she could work for fatal injury claims.
Legal officers can help in getting statutory bereavement payment and expenses of funeral costs. Moreover, dependency claims can also be done, if the person was financially dependent on the deceased person and according to Fatal Accidents Act, 1976, any amount obtained as a result of compensation “shall be divided among the dependants in such shares as may be directed”. Legal officers usually work for the person applying for accident claims and ask for fee if they win the case.