When comparing Honey and Mumford model and the Kolb's model there are distinguish between different learning styles. Honey and Mumford described the same thing done by Kolb's but using different words, so therefore there is no such difference between these two models. Hence there is a strong similarity in Kolb's model stage one says concrete experience (Having and experience) says being fully involved in an action or interaction, utilizing current knowledge and skills but in Honey and Mumford model style one describe Activists which is describing immediate experience, open-minded, bored with implementation. Kolb's second stage Reflective observation (reviewing the experience) is say looking back at what happened, describing it, reflecting on the causes and effects of learner behaviour, but Honey and Mumford's reflectors style is say listen before speaking, ponder and analyse, delay reaching conclusions. The third stage of Kolb's model is Abstract Conceptualization (concluding from the experience) is forming generalization, concepts and theories that will enable to integrate observation and reflections into behaviour on future occasions or in other contexts, but Honey and Mumford's theorist style like people think through logical aspect. The fourth stage in Kolb's model is Active Experimentation (Planning the next steps) is describe planning ways in which in learner can apply and test conclusion in further action but Honey and Mumford's Pragmatists style which is seek try and new ideas, practical, down to earth, enjoying problem solving and decision making. Also activist and accommodating, reflector and diverging, theorist and assimilating, pragmatist and converging are similar to each concept.