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教师的知识建构是个体职业生涯发展的过程。至于研究明确教师知识的来源,格罗斯曼(1990)确定源如观察、专业准备学徒。她还发现,学科知识与教师的教学内容知识密切相关。她还研究了专业课程的潜在影响。类似于格罗斯曼的研究,教师的经验也被称为知识的来源(例如:迪特里希et al.,2000)。此外,合议庭的支持被认为是有助于内容知识和教学内容知识(Sengupta和肖,2002)并帮助开发新手教师个人的专业知识。这一概念首先是由Lortie提出的描述“影响教师过去的经验作为一个学生在他/她的教学”(1975:62)。这导致了Bachmann所描述的“教学”是“行动和解释,不需要测试或分析而有熟悉的安全结果现成的食谱民俗”(1987:161)。因此,该模型提供学习者教师的“默认选项”,“一组尝试的策略,他们可以恢复到不确定性的时代(博格,2004:274)。约翰逊(1994:446)和博格(2004:257)认为,这一极具影响力的观察期的结果是在他们已经接触到教师教育课程中的教育投入费用教师违约模型的优势。然而,观察的学徒仍然提供了一个强大的教师,尽管有限的,直观的理解教学“不应该低估”。(博格,2004:275)。
Teacher's knowledge construction is a process developed during their personal and professional lifetime. With regards to studies explicating the sources of teacher knowledge, Grossman's (1990) identified sources such as apprenticeship of observation and professional preparation. She also found that subject matter knowledge is closely related to the teacher's pedagogical content knowledge. She also studied the potential influence of professional coursework. Similar to Grossman's study, teacher experience has also been named as a source of knowledge (e.g. Dittrich et al., 2000). Furthermore, collegial support has been found to contribute to content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge (Sengupta & Xiao, 2002) and help develop novice teachers' personal professional knowledge.This concept was first proposed by Lortie to describe "the influence a teacher's past experience as a student has on his /her teaching" (1975: 62).This resulted in what Bachmann describes as the 'folkways of teaching' that is 'ready-made recipes for action and interpretation that do not require testing or analysis while promising familiar safe results" (1987: 161). This model thus provides learner teachers with 'default options', "a set of tried strategies which they can revert to in times of uncertainty (Borg, 2004: 274). Johnson (1994: 446) and Borg (2004:257) argue that the result of this highly influential period of observation is the dominance of teacher's default model at the expense of the educational inputs they have been exposed to during a teacher education course. However, 'the apprenticeship of observation still provides those teachers with a powerful, albeit limited, intuitive understanding of teaching' which should not be underestimated'. (Borg, 2004: 275).

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