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与沃森和斯金纳围绕行为主义的研究相比,让·皮亚杰的另一种认知发展理论,考虑到儿童在学习过程中的思维过程。这一理论表明,思维在一系列的阶段中发展,儿童的原因与成人不同(Ramirez, 1983)。这一理论对整个教学实践产生了重大的影响,反过来又使教师真正强调教师需要为每个孩子提供具有包容性和适合性的学习体验,使其在精神上和活动上都能发挥作用(Kyriacou 1986)。根据皮亚杰的认知发展理论,我观察到的6岁儿童将处于发展的具体操作阶段。这是四个阶段中的第三个阶段,并遵循前运算阶段,发生在7岁至11岁之间的儿童(Piaget 1973)。这个阶段被逻辑的概念包围着,孩子们被认为以更理性的方式解决问题(Mcloed 2010)。这个理论最明显的例子发生在我对地理课的第三次也是最后一次观察中。行为主义的研究相比在非常成功地连接到互动概念的过程中,老师给孩子们上了一堂非常有趣的课,他们在交互式白板上展示了一张欧洲地图。学生们被问了一些开放式的问题,并被允许讨论他们认为自己可以命名的国家和海洋。这种教学方法非常有效,是老师提出的问题,孩子们可以理性地思考。这让孩子们能够“逻辑地”解决问题。观察孩子们相互交流成功也很有趣,让他们的小组中的每一个人都有机会参与并表达他们的意见。这是Piaget的具体阶段的另一个例子,它指出儿童现在有能力区分自己的思想和他人的想法,而且孩子们意识到他们的想法和看法可能与他们周围的人不同。
Another Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky developed a socio-cultural approach to cognitive development. His theories stress the fundamental role of social interaction in the development of cognition (Vygotsky 1978). Unlike Piaget's notion that children's development must necessarily precede their learning, Vygotsky argued that social learning tends to precede development. He believed that cognitive development of children is enhanced when they work in their Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) (Moll 1992). To reach the ZPD, it is suggested that children need the help of adults or more able individuals (peers) to support and scaffold them as they are learning new things (Moll 1992). From my observations, both in the mathematics and literacy lessons, the vast majority of children seem to be benefitting the most from independent work without the focus of the teacher or teaching assistant. Children relished the opportunity to work out things for themselves and this in turn made the lesson more successful. Their 'ZPD' at the stage appeared to be reached through independent work, contradictory to Vygotsky's theory. It occurred to me that in the mathematics lesson, there were a number of children who clearly understood the task that was required, however as they were sitting on a focus table with the teacher, they were unable to move on and enhance their learning through their own independent work. This concept is also echoed in my own personal experiences because I was very much an individual who enjoyed working independently and always had a feeling of pride when solving problems this way

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