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教育从六世纪的僧侣和神父的教学发展到今天可用的广泛课程。慈善学校教授了三个“R”。议会的行为对整个世纪的教育产生了影响。随着这个国家在工业革命中成长起来,在教育儿童和儿童时代,新的思想也在发展。十九世纪,小学开始实行,班级规模大,对5-10岁的孩子进行教育。1900,3和4岁的青少年中有50%人参加托儿所。(Anning,A. Cullen,J.和狞笑,M.早期儿童教育:社会与文化。智者:(2004)。而工人阶级教育的主要来源是星期日学校。儿童通过托儿所、婴儿、初级和中学的阶段发展。男孩和女孩分开,教不同的科目。女孩们学会了如何成为“家庭”和“女性化”,男孩学会了木工术。在中世纪,男孩子们上文法学校,那里的惩罚很严厉。到十五世纪,第三的人口能够读写。十六世纪的学校被称为“小学校”,男孩们从早上6点一直到晚上5点,每周工作6天。聪明的男孩去了牛津或剑桥的大学。在第十七和第十八世纪,上层阶级有私人教师。寄宿制学校出现了学习写作的女孩,音乐和刺绣。十九世纪通过福禄贝尔和蒙台梭利看到了教育的概念。上层阶级的女孩被教导的家庭教师,和孩子就读公立学校。1880是义务教育,1891是取消学费。1889至12岁的儿童上学。学校有组织,包括体育和游戏,目的是提供竞争力,谈判和使孩子们能够相互混合。(布鲁克斯:140)。二十世纪将义务教育的最低离校年龄提高到14岁。在战争年代,工人阶级的孩子上小学,中产阶级上文法学校,上流社会上公立学校。1947的离校年龄是15岁,1972又提高到16岁。《1944教育法案》引入了11多,如果孩子们通过了这门考试和中学的现代学校,如果他们失败了,他们就继续上文法学校。在1960年代和1970年代初的学校成为综合。
Education has evolved from 6th Century teaching by monks and priests, to the extensive curriculum that is available today. Charity schools taught the three 'R's. Acts of Parliament have had effects on education throughout the centuries. As the country grew in the Industrial Revolution new ideas developed with regard to educating children, and childhood itself. The 19th Century saw the introduction of Elementary schools, class sizes were large and made education available for 5-10 year olds. In 1900 50% of 3 and 4 year olds attended nursery. (Anning, A. Cullen, J. And Fleer, M. Early Childhood Education: Society and culture. Sage: (2004)). Whereas the main source of education for the working classes was through Sunday schools. Children were seen to develop through the stages of nursery, infant, junior and secondary. Boys and girls were separated and taught different subjects. Girls learnt how to become 'domestic' and be 'feminine' and boys learnt woodworking.Education has evolved over the last few Centuries. In the middle ages boys attended Grammar schools where punishment was severe. By the 15th Century, a third of the population could read and write. The 16th Century schools were called 'petty schools' where boys attended from 6 in the morning until 5 at night, for 6 days a week. The boys who were brighter went on to Oxford or Cambridge Universities. In the 17th and 18th Centuries the upper classes had private tutors. Boarding schools emerged for girls who learnt writing, music and needlework. The 19th Century saw the concepts of education through Froebel and Montessori. Upper class girls were taught by governesses, and boys attended Public schools. In 1880 education was compulsory, and 1891 saw the abolishment of fees. Children attended schools until the age of 12 in 1889. Schools were structured and included sport and games which were intended to provide competitiveness, negotiation and to enable children to mix with each other. (Brooks: 140). The 20th Century brought the minimum leaving age for compulsory schooling to 14. During the war years working class children attended elementary schools, middle classes attended Grammar schools and the upper classes attended public schools. The school leaving age was 15 in 1947 and this was again raised to 16 in 1972. The 1944 Education Act saw the introduction of the 11 plus, children went on to Grammar schools if they passed this exam and secondary modern schools if they were to fail. In the 1960's and early 1970's schools became Comprehensives.

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