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价格决策一直是公司营销策略中最重要的组成部分。此外,不可忽视的是,合理的价格,继续与产品质量,是两个成分在平衡营销组合(Magrath 1986)。澳洲宠物手机价格由服务驱动因素决定。小型宠物和大型宠物之间是有区别的,根据体重的不同,价格从55美元到90美元不等(澳大利亚宠物移动2013)。考虑到APM提供的服务,它包括开车回家,对宠物进行“15步”处理。成本可能会无形地吸收利润,因为存在一些非增值活动。价格变量,包括零售价格、议价购买、津贴、可信性,影响顾客对购买价值的测试(Atamin et al. 2010)。为使资讯科技的定价权最大化,成本领先和差异化策略应互相配合,与其他业务竞争。对于成本领先战略,衡量成本动因是必不可少的。导致成本增加的因素有很多。例如,开车上门服务将导致汽油成本。然而,建议在繁华地区更好地安排运营商。对于运营商来说,只在Belconnen地区负责业务比在Tuggeranong和Belconnen之间的公路上奔波更有效率。同时,一旦业务以“15步”服务为目标,就应该对重复活动进行评估。由于包括两个刷子和两个冲洗活动(澳大利亚宠物移动2013),水、洗发水和护发素的使用量将会增加。控制第一次的消耗不仅可以节约用水,而且可以节省直接材料的成本效益。差异化策略基于设置不同类别的服务的假设。然后,基于价值的定价可以在高级服务中实现,因为它是感知价值(Kotler et.al.)。2013年)达到了高水平宠物主人的期望。
The price decisions are always the most important component in the company’s marketing strategy. Also, it cannot be ignore that reasonable price, continue with product quality, are the two ingredients in balancing marketing mix (Magrath 1986). The price of Aussie Pet Mobile is determined by service driven factors. There is a difference between small and large pets with the range from $55 to $90 depend on the weight (Aussie Pet Mobile 2013). Considering with services that APM provided, it is included driving come to home, “15 steps” processing on the pets. The costs might invisibly absorb profits as there are some non-value adding activities.Price variables, including retail price, bargaining purchase, allowances, creditability, influence the testing of acquisition value by customers (Atamin et al. 2010). To maximise it pricing power, the cost leadership and differentiation strategy should be mutually used to compete with the other businesses. For the cost leadership strategy, the measurement of cost drivers is essential. There are many factors which might result in cost adding. For example, the driving come to home services will lead to cost on petrol. However, the suggestion would be to better arrange the operators in bustling region. As for an operator, the charge of business in only Belconnen area is more efficient than rushing on the road between Tuggeranong and Belconnen. Also, once the business targeted on “15 steps” services, the evaluation on the repetitive activities should be carried out. Since there are two brush and two rinse activities included (Aussie Pet Mobile 2013), the usage of water and shampoo and conditioner will be increased. The control on the consumptions of first time will lead more cost-efficiently not only for water saving, but also for retrench on direct materials. The differentiation strategy is based on the assumption of setting different classes of services. Then the value-based pricing could be implemented in high class services as it is the perception value (Kotler et.al. 2013) that high level pets owners expected.

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