
“掩盖法”指的是许多有学习障碍的有天赋的学生都有自己的优点和缺点,使他们看起来具有一般的能力和成就”(McCoach,2001)。因此,这些学生没有被认定为有天赋或学习障碍。一些支持者认为,这些学生的智力分数将会降低,“从而妨碍他们作为有天赋或学习障碍的学生的身份”(McCoach, 2001)。McCoach继续引用沃德仁和蓝宝石(1990):“智力测试的主要问题与使用识别LD的天才学生是残疾可能降低他们的智商如此显著,学生不符合纳入该学区的天赋条件,即使他们展示强大的能力在某些领域.
Masking refers to the principle that many gifted students with learning disabilities have patterns of strengths and weaknesses that make them appear to have average abilities and achievement" (McCoach,2001). So therefore, these students do not get identified as gifted or learning disabled. Some advocates believe that intelligence scores will be lower for these students, "thereby hindering their identification as either gifted or learning disabled" (McCoach, 2001). McCoach goes on to quote Waldren and Saphire (1990): " the primary problem with the use of intelligence test to identify gifted students with LD is that the disability may lower their IQ score so dramatically that the students do not qualify for inclusion in the school district's criteria for gifted, even though they demonstrate strong abilities in some areas.