美国心理学作业代写 生活方式
Keywords:美国心理学作业代写 生活方式

美国心理学作业代写 生活方式
Having developed a good and genuine therapeutic alliance, Jenny was encouraged to open up during the information gathering session to tell me about her approach to self and life, interpersonal relationship and her cognitive and feeling ability this led to her explaining unresolved issue that is hidden in her conscious that is affecting her feeling and behaviour. I felt that it was important for Jenny to develop a better understanding of what is or could be behind her behaviours and also for her to discover the important information about herself as an individual.Jenny having mentioned that she is not happy with the way she and her siblings were brought up showed that in regards to her upbringing she has unresolved conflict in her mind and might be unaware why she is in her present state and the reason behind her current behaviour. Even though in general jenny was not entirely happy with her upbringing, the reasoning behind her unhappiness wasn’t given much though until the session. After discussing for a few minutes is was evident that the reason behind her uneasiness was abuse she received. Growing up jenny didn’t have alot of friends, which she thought was normal of people between adolescents. As she eventually grew, the situation remained the same, she has been unable to maintain solid relations and hence doesn’t have much of a social life. Having met her old friend for drinks, she indulged in a life she didn’t have while growing up. Wanting to maintain this relationship jenny, made sure she frequently went to the same bar on her way home in the chance that she will mingle with her peers.Jenny also is addicted to alcohol even though she said that she has reduced her intake she mentioned of losing her job in effect to all of these. To enable Jenny to examine her unresolved issues and with the symptoms she experiences, we need discuss the underlying reason behind her feelings. The possibility, that the alcohol addiction could go all the way back to her upbringing as a child surprised her. After consideration jenny suspected her alcohol addiction, may come from its reliance to maintain the anxiety, but also the mediator of social interaction with her old friends. With varying studies showing correlation between the need for social-interaction and substance abuse. Initially drinking can reduce fears and take your mind off of your troubles, but over time his can make the anxiety and stress even more difficult to cope with.