Biology Essay代写:味觉神经
Keywords:Biology Essay代写

你的眼睛充满了泪水,你流鼻涕,你的嘴感觉像一个地狱。即使在室温下,吃辣椒也能产生“烧”烧的感觉。为什么?它必须用感官来解释。 科学家们发现辣椒中有一种叫做辣椒素的活性化学物质。我们的身体可以被它愚弄,认为胡椒是字面上的'热'。事实上,辣椒素能刺激口腔中的神经细胞,其中一些对温度变化很敏感。当他们被激活,信号,大脑最终接收到类似于饮用开水烫烧的感觉,这是不是真正的燃烧,但燃烧的错觉神经受体后被“迷惑”。 现在,让我们来看看一些更有趣的事实辣椒素。你的身体对辣椒素的敏感性与你身体特定部位神经受体的密度成正比。这就是为什么在你的眼睛里拿辣椒会让人难以忍受的原因,然而为什么碰辣椒通常并不痛苦。 幸运的是,辛辣的食物爱好者,它表明辣椒素不能造成长期组织损伤,即使在大剂量。这就是我所说的“假痛苦”,悉尼大学的植物科学家马克?孔雀说,“它并不会给你身体上的伤害,尽管感觉很像。”
Biology Essay代写:味觉神经
Your eyes are full of tears, your nose is running, and your mouth feels like an inferno. Even at room temperature, eating chilli pepper can also generate a “firing” burning sensation. Why? It has to be explained by senses again.
Scientists have found that an active chemical substance in pepper called capsaicin. Our bodies can be fooled by it, thinking pepper is literally ‘hot’. As a matter of fact, capsaicin can arouse nerve cells in the mouth, some of which are sensitive to the change of temperature. When they are activated, the signal that the brain eventually receives is similar to a burning feeling of drinking scalding water, which is not truly burning, but the burning illusion of nerve receptors after being “confused”.
Now, let’s look at some more interesting facts about capsaicin. The sensitivity of your body to capsaicin is proportional to the density of the neural receptors in that particular part of your body. That's why it can be unbearable by getting pepper in your eyes, and why touching the pepper, however, is usually not painful.
Fortunately for spicy-food-lovers, it indicates capsaicin cannot cause long-term tissue damage, even in large doses. "It's what I call 'fake pain'," says Mark Peacock, a plant scientist from the University of Sydney, "It doesn't actually cause you physical harm, even though it feels like it."