Another criticism against the Cambridge review on education is that the report deals with the notion that you are either for or you are against testing. However on further inspection of the Cambridge Review I have noticed that the report wants to "sweep away" the current SAT's during year six in England- as has already happened in Wales. I agree with what the Cambridge Review mentions here as SAT's abolition in Wales has left children with less worries and less pressure when moving up to secondary school. Shuttermonkey (2009) wrote on a discussion board that teachers can make objective assessments based on children's performance over months of observations and not surmised in one exam. This was in regards to the abolishment of SATs tests. Oddly enough, when speaking to a series of teachers they believe that professional standards have not fallen, and that parents are still aware of child and school performances. (Nant Celyn Primary, 2009).Indeed, the Cambridge Review's proposals would mean more testing, but in a form that covers the full range of the curriculum through assessment. This form would not bring high stake judgements for schools and the teacher, and that neither narrows the curriculum nor constrains teaching.