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美国商科论文代写 领导力

Keywords:美国商科论文代写 领导力

领导力是一个持续的过程,包括学习和发展。这是一个持续的进程,这一事实确保必须考虑到某些方面。领导者必须有自我意识,这样他们才知道如何有效。一个了解自己优缺点的领导者能够更好地管理自己的情绪,对不断变化的环境做出更好的反应。总统和首席执行官在沃尔玛公司是道格麦克米伦。麦克米伦在沃尔玛的职业生涯始于他十几岁时申请暑期助理的时候。他选择为沃尔玛工作而不是为麦当劳工作,“因为这家公司的薪酬更高。这位先生一生都在为这家公司工作,这表明沃尔玛的价值观和组织文化深深植根于他的DNA中。”他的领导才能始于2005年,当时他领导的山姆会员店是沃尔玛众多子公司之一。2014年,他被提升为沃尔玛的第五任首席执行官,在他的领导风格中描绘了很多品质,这可能是他巨大成功背后的主要原因,导致他在沃尔玛的领导地位的上升。Dough McMillon的鼓舞人心的领导故事是一个伟大的领导风格,价值观和道德如何领导一个组织走向高绩效,组织绩效和领导力发展的伟大反映。在道格•麦克米伦(Doug Mc Million)的领导下,沃尔玛有能力以独特的方式将其协调系统、门店和电子商务结合起来,为客户提供更简单的服务。在27个国家,沃尔玛通常每周有近2.6亿顾客在协会的商店购物(沃尔玛公司,2018年)。沃尔玛通过其提供的电子商务服务与客户进行互动。
美国商科论文代写 领导力
Leadership is a continuous process which include learning and development. The fact that this is an ongoing process ensures that there are certain aspects that have to be put into consideration. Leaders have to be self-aware so that they know how to be effective. A leader who knows his strengths and weakness is better able to manage his emotions and reacts better to the ever-changing environment.The president and Chief Executive Officer at Wal-Mart Inc. is Doug McMillon. Mc Millon’s career at Wal-Mart started when he was a teenage boy when he applied to be a summer associate. He opted to work for Wal-Mart over Mc Donald’s’ because the company paid more .This gentleman has worked for this organization his entire life, showing that the Wal-Mart values and organizational culture are deeply embedded in his DNA. His stunt with leadership started in 2005 when he led Sam’s Club which is one of the many subsidiary companies of Wal-Mart. It was in 2014 that he was promoted to be the Wal-Mart’s fifth chief executive officer Dough McMillon depicts a lot of qualities in his leadership style, which is probably the main reason behind his tremendous success which lead to his rise upon the ranks of Wal-Mart leadership. Dough McMillon’s inspirational leadership story is a great reflection of how great leadership style, values and ethics can lead an organization towards high performance, organizational performance and leadership development.Under Doug Mc Million’s leadership, Walmart has possessed the capacity to unite its coordination systems, stores and ecommerce in exceptional approaches to make it simpler for clients. Walmart is typically occupied with very nearly 260 million customers shopping at the association’s stores every week in the twenty seven countries (Walmart Inc., 2018).Wal-Mart has interactions with their customers through the e-commerce services through the e-commerce services the company offers.

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