
In their editorial, Jeanette Vega and Alec Irwin explore some possible responses to such health inequalities. They note that in the past there has been enacted, what might be called a “Pro-Poor” approach. This takes into account the fact that the poor often simply do not have the means in terms of finance or education to bring it about that they have access to much in the way of health resources or medicine. So, interventionist groups are formed in order to try and ensure that they have some access to medicine and health care. These types of interventionist methods are important, write the authors. But, they are inadequate by themselves. First, they only tend to focus on providing access to one type of group, and this is merely an issue of inequity in unfairness. Second, and perhaps more importantly, they do not attempt to address many of the core reasons why such inequalities arise in the first place, which include “gender and ethnicity” among other reasons.A more comprehensive approach is both necessary and desirable in the effort to combat health inequalities. More must be done to combat the social divisions that exist, both along monetary lines and other ethnic lines.[9] There has been some progress made in a few countries, like Sweden wherein the approach has been comprehensive and on the cooperation between government agencies on high levels. Sweden has developed a national health policy that focuses on what determines health at the “societal level.” In this model, government agencies work alongside significant social sectors (e.g., education, transportation, environmental protection) and they are all required together to work toward the improving of “population health and narrowing health equity gaps.”[10] Also, in the United Kingdom recent efforts at accomplishing these same goals have seen success in targeting, not an ethnic or social group, but an age group. That is, collaborative efforts have been engaged which have targeted mothers of children in early education and child care and have attempted to integrate these services with those of assistance to families and that of general health.