Online sales and marketing requires and entails the use of information technology in sales and marketing. As an entrepreneur, I wish to apply the skills to assist business and corporate market their products though the internet. In addition to market, I wish to assist businesses implement direct online sales to their customers. My broad experience in information technology, application programming and marketing will be useful. My ability to foresee details of complex things will enable me to overcome the challenges of setting up the sales and marketing. Sales and marketing is an old role in business. Although other roles are equally important, I find sales and marketing to be the most important. Sales and marketing is the activity that presents the product to the used and ensures that the products are bought. Without sales and marketing, the role of production and other roles may be inessential. Inspired by this, I feel that the use of information technology in this role would be very fruitful. Online sales and marketing in not new. Many companies run their own website through which potential customers can peruse the products before they can arrange to make purchases. A good example of model online direct sales is EBags. This company sells different kind of bags to their customers through the internet. However, the online sales and marketing are made by individual companies. My vision is to establish a virtual online supermarket though which people can access products from different companies and buy the products directly through the internet.