Economics Essay代写:国家政府
Keywords:Economics Essay代写

Economics Essay代写:国家政府
In addition, to the globalization, the green technological boom in the country will also required to increase the use of renewable energies in the country that will not only help the country to control the rising cost by working on energy efficient technologies but will also helps the country to fight the alarming environmental problems that has been resulting from increase in the greenhouse gases emission and ozone depletion in the country. The green technological boom is a better strategy in the sense that the country will be in position not only to control the rate of inflation and unemployment in the country, through the implementation of the stated approach, the country will also be in position to solve the unemployment problems and make the needed correction in the country macro-economic variables. This could be done by allowing foreign multinationals to make their investments in the country, however closely monitoring their manufacturing and other processes to ensure that their process conform to the environmental standards. In addition, the government should encourage corporations to boost their investments in the R&D field, particularly with respect to working energy efficient technologies that are not only associated with better and improved productivity but also enhance the profitability of organizations by decreasing the per unit cost.