Economics Essay代写:加拿大
Keywords:Economics Essay代写

Economics Essay代写:加拿大
Economics Essay代写:加拿大
In coherence with other Commonwealth countries, Canada and Australia have a lot of similarities in their culture. English is the official language both in Canada and Australia and this can greatly lower the risk of communication difficulties in business, which will undoubtedly reduce the cost in language transformations.The second advantage is the multicultural society. Canada is a typical immigrant nation, where immigrants come from different regions of the world having different languages, customs, religious beliefs and lifestyles who come together to create a valuable, diverse country. ‘On the basis of variety, the different background of history and reality has forged Canada into a multicultural society’
In Canada, multiculturalism is advocated by the Government as a matter of policy; however, despite multiculturalism having many advantages in social integration,the disadvantages for business are also very clear. According to the 2011 ‘National Household Survey’, the number of Canadians that speak English as their main language is 57.8% while French is 21.7% and 20.6% of Canadians use another language as a main language; this minority represents 6.8 million people in Canada (Statistics Canada, 2013).
Religions in Canada also show the diversity, the largest faith in Canada was Christianity, about 22,000,000, or two-thirds of Canada's population, reported that they were affiliated with a Christian religion. Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist also have a large representation within Canada. Such diversity also appears in immigration, place of birth, citizenship, ethnic origin and visible minorities.