
The scenario is one of some leisure time for the young people: a group of the boys are playing pool, taking it in turns to play as listed on the white board located near the table. An older boy, ‘A’, comes into the room and demands to be allowed to play immediately. He initially responds to the requests from the others to add his name to the list by swearing at them while forcefully telling them that he is going to play next. When the boys continue with their requests for him to write his name on the list, ‘A’ continues with his use of expletives and uses physically aggressive posturing in an attempt to get his own way. A member of staff notices this escalating level of confrontation and quietly but firmly intervenes with ‘A’, who continues to swear and tell everyone that the way he is being treated is not fair. The member of staff puts some alternatives to ‘A’ in terms of how he could proceed: he could continue with the way that he is behaving potentially causing him to become involved in a physical confrontation which would result in his losing his privileges and possible other sanctions; he could continue to take over the table, with the other boys going off to do something else which would result in his losing his privileges and possible other sanctions; he could stop what he is doing and come to a quiet area to discuss what had happened and why he acted in the way that he had done. After some further use of colourful adjectives to express his displeasure, ‘A’ calmed down, agreed to go to a quiet area to discuss what had happened and engage in what is often referred to as a Life Space Interview (LSI). During the course of this interview, ‘A’ admitted that he had felt angry at having been delayed in getting to the leisure area and that his response was to take that out on the boys who were already there. After some discussion, he agreed that his actions were inappropriate and that they had caused a detrimental effect upon the atmosphere in the group, the boys individually and ‘A’ himself. He stated that he was sorry and that he needed to make an apology to the boys involved in front of the rest of the unit and accepted that there might be a loss of privileges to follow after the supervisory team had discussed what had happened. He determined as a result of the discussion that if he were to be in that situation again, he needed to take himself away to a quiet area to calm down before joining the people who were playing on the pool table; an alternative to this would be to find a member of staff to discuss his emotions in order to resolve them before continuing to take part in the leisure activities or to go to the gym area where he could work off his anger prior to discussing his emotions with someone. It was agreed that he would attempt to implement one of these alternatives if he felt similarly angry again.