
《记住五世纪希腊的战争:民主雅典之外的意识形态、社会和纪念》一书的作者,英国杜伦大学古典和古希腊学教授。他写过几篇期刊文章,也写过自己的书,还编辑过几本关于古典希腊的书。他在牛津大学获得学士学位,在剑桥大学获得博士学位。《古希腊战争法》的作者Adriaan Lanni教授是哈佛大学的刑法教授,此外还教授了几门关于古希腊和罗马法的法律历史课程。她获得了文学学士学位,耶鲁大学古典文明学硕士。在剑桥大学攻读古典文学,她是马歇尔学者,耶鲁大学法学院法学博士,密歇根大学历史学博士。我认为两位作者的动机都是想研究战时的历史法律和人文学科在多大程度上影响了当前的外交和战时法律实践。由于宗教和国家冲突导致的国际紧张局势加剧,现代外交官和历史学家可能希望借鉴过去国家的成功经验和做法。五世纪的希腊对现代伦理、战时法律、现代民主和西方人文做出了巨大贡献。通过审查这些关键社会的做法,也许能够对国际政策的未来作出更好的决定。
Professor Polly Low author of “Remembering war in fifth-century Greece: ideologies, societies, and commemoration beyond democratic Athens” is a professor of classical and ancient Greece at Durham University in Durham, United Kingdom. He has authored several journal articles, as well as his own book, and edited several other books on classical Greece. He studied at Oxford obtaining an undergraduate degree and Cambridge for his PhD. Professor Adriaan Lanni author of “The Laws of War in Ancient Greece” is a professor of Criminal Law at Harvard university and in addition teacher several legal history courses on ancient Greek and Roman law. “She received a B.A., summa cum laude, in Classical Civilization from Yale University, an M.Phil. in Classics from Cambridge University, where she was a Marshall Scholar, a J.D. from Yale Law School, and a Ph.D. in History from the University of Michigan.Both authors, I think were motivated by a desire to examine to what extent historical law and humanities during wartime affects current practices of diplomacy and wartime law. With increased international tensions stemming from religious and national conflicts, modern diplomats and historians may want to look to the successes and prescription of past nations. Fifth century Greece contributed much to modern ethics, wartime law, modern democracy, and western humanities. By examining the practices of these key societies, it may be possible to make better decisions about the future of international policy.