北美留学生作业代写 领导者的情商
Keywords:北美留学生作业代写 领导者的情商

北美留学生作业代写 领导者的情商
Measuring myself against Goleman’s framework I consider myself to have quite a high level of emotional intelligence. I feel I have a high level of self-awareness and I consider myself very good at being aware of others feelings and needs. I see myself as being very easy to talk to and tend to be the person in the practice that people run things by for my opinion whether that’s work related or personal. An area that I feel I need to improve is self-regulation, I find I can over worry and analyse situations and sometimes worry too much about others feelings when decisions have to be made. For instance I find it very difficult when dealing with conflict amongst staff. An example of this would be when reception staff timetables were being changed and two members of staff both want the same shift. Both staff had very valid reasons why they wanted the specific shifts and I very much felt empathy towards both and found it very hard to be in the position to have to choose. In order to manage this I decided to pull names from a hat therefore the decision was made fairly but I was not seen to be putting one staff member’s needs above the other.Goleman et al (2002) 7 describe six emotional styles; the visionary leader – inspiring and empathetic; the coaching leader -connecting personal goals with the organisation goals; the affiliative leader – promoting harmony within the team; the democratic leader – collaborating and listening to the team and the pacesetting leader – focusing on performance and meeting goals.
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