
It is its barriers that define the city of Berlin, as Cassiel muses in one scene, “you can’t get lost, you always end up back at the wall.” The film presents its viewers with many visual barriers such other than the walls that keep people simultaneously isolated and together. The people on the subway sit and stair ant none caught up in there own thoughts but not able to talk to the person sitting next to them. In another scene we travel through a household from room to room visiting three members of the same family. The son is considering suicide over the loss of his girlfriend; the father and the mother blame rock music for their son’s isolation. The camera in this scene glides in from the window of the boy’s bedroom and moves seamlessly from room to room, drawing attention to the fact that this family is physically and emotionally separated. Whilst maintaing the audiences seperation from the film by a sense of aura.The scenes in the library are a wonderful visual metaphor for what it means to be German and separated. People in the library sit and separate booths or explore separate isles that are all perfectly symmetrical. Although the people are not allowed to talk because it is a library the angelic aural perception is a cacophony of individual thought. The monochrome photography and the minimalist design of the library building evoke aesthetic echoes of German expressionist cinema and root the place firmly in German tradition whilst reataining a sense of alienation.