
It would be a very challenging job, if individuals are paid satisfactorily and have more opportunities in this field. The school for early childhood is very essential because it is the root of their future development. If the child gets good support from the preschool then there is a maximum chance that the children would develop into a good adult. In many under developed or developing countries, the early childhood education is not as popular in developed countries or given the priority by government.They get little importance from the government, so it is also one reason behind that many international students in the United States universities do not prefer to take this major. There are some preschools where they take care of the children and provide them some sort of general knowledge, but there is lack of prefect preschools where the children would feel at home. According to (NICHD) Early Child Care Research Network, there are some problems regarding the quality of education. Some institutes provide intellectual and social benefits; whereas, some low quality institutes not only are unlikely to furnish benefits, but poor programs actually may harm children (Feldman, 2007).If the government or law of the countries would provide a little bit more priority to this field then it would be a very exigent major, which would benefit both the children and the parents. We can assume that now days the growth rate of child care and preschool are increasing at the same rate and the need of the teachers would also be increasing. That’s why no one should lose their hope to drop this major and they should take everything on the positive side.