
比较主义者应该记住,学校之外的东西比学校里面的东西更重要,并且管理和解释学校里面的东西。一旦这样做,外国教育系统的工作将使我们更好地学习和理解我们自己的(别利迪安,1964)。然而,比较论者不仅可以从事比较教育的研究。任何在教育行业工作过的人都有一些明智的话要说,因此,只听专家的话是很危险的。我们都可以为教育领域做出贡献。作为教师或学校管理者,从事比较教育的实际方法有哪些?一个有经验的老师可以通过参观另一所学校和观察另一位老师的工作来学习。改善这种学习的一个很好的方法是派遣一批有经验的教师到国外去观察和评价其他的教育系统。通过这种方式,他们将返回家乡,并通知学校,如果目前所做的事情被正确执行或需要改进。旅行对教育研究者也很重要。旅行是当代比较与国际教育研究人员工作的最基本特征之一。教育政策、教学方法和课程的运动是比较论者作为研究人员和实践者经常从事的研究工作(Sobe, 2002)。这次旅行将从外部创造一个与社会科学相关的视角,同时也有已经获得和实现的内部视角。因此,在比较教育的研究中,这两个组成部分(外部和内部)应该是相互协调、有机结合的。
Comparativists should remember that the things outside the schools matter even more than the things inside of schools, and govern and interpret the things inside. Once that is done, the work of foreign systems of education will result in our being better fitted to study and understand our own (Bereday, 1964). However, not only comparativists can engage in studying comparative education. Any person who has worked in education before has some wise words to say, therefore it would be dangerous to just have the words of the specialist alone. We can all contribute to the field of education. What are some practical ways to engage on comparative education as a teacher or school administrator? An experienced teacher can learn significantly by visiting another school and watch another teacher at work. A very good way to improve this learning is if groups of experienced teachers could be sent abroad to see and to judge other systems of education. This way they would return home and inform their schools if what is been currently done is been executed correctly or needs improvement. Travel is important for educational researchers as well. Travel is one of the characteristics that most unites the work of contemporary comparative and international education researchers. The movement of educational policies, pedagogies, and curricula is much of what comparativists study as researchers and often engage in as practitioners (Sobe, 2002). This travel would create a view from the outside which is relevant for the social sciences, and also have the inside perspective that is already acquired and implemented. As Sobe states, these two components (the outside and the inside) should work in concert, integrally and mutually constituting one another to improve the study of comparative education.