美国爱荷华犯罪学代写 警察决定

美国爱荷华犯罪学代写 警察决定
Police officers make quick decisions when deadly fire is exchanged. An officer must decide whether to confront the threat him/herself or wait for back up. Some officers in these situations find out for the first time if they have what it takes to take a life. A famous incident occurred recently in Fort Hood, Texas where a 34 year old Iraq veteran open fired on others at the military base. The man named Ivan Lopez killed three people and wounded 16 people before he was stopped. A military policewomen was the one that made the quick decision to act and go in alone instead of waiting for back up. The female officer spotted Ivan Lopez coming towards her and made the decision to open fire, which caused Ivan to kill himself after retaining wounds from her gun (McLaughlin). The military female officer’s name has not been released yet. Some officers would have waited for back up rather than going into a situation where gunfire is being exchanged. The female officer showed a lot of courage and bravery in taking action. Both male and female officers have shown acts of courage and bravery. At the National Law Enforcement Memorial in Washington D.C there are both male and female officers buried there who have shown their devotion in serving their country.Police officers are to protect the people and enforce the law when necessary. When a person threatens to hurt others an officer must be able to calm that person down. An officer must only use lethal force when necessary as the last option. An officer named Lt. Jim Glennon said “The most important skills for criminal justice professionals to master are those skills associated with the art and science of communication” (Neil). Talking a person down from committing an act that would put people in danger is the best choice an officer can make. Police officers should do everything they can not to take a life, as their duty is to protect and not take life. Research done by Gaines and Cox has shown that female officers have a significant edge in verbal skills. These skills that female officers bring help balance the scales with male officers. When nonlethal force is used in public, people see that police officers desire to bring that person alive not dead. For a lot of police officers it hurts them mentally to take a life. Some police officers’ families suffer along with them. Police officers must go through counseling when they kill someone in action. Officers get back to their duties when everything that is required is done. The action to take a life is costly to an officer, and the department always takes care of them. Communication skills are taught at the police academy officers are encouraged to keep practicing afterwards.