Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection is generally regarded as a significant landmark in the origin of organisms and evolution process. Before Darwin, many scientists like him alleged that species evolved from other species or antecedent. Mostly during those times there was no any scientific evidence to prove that concept hence many theories went unnoticed. Prior to Darwin’s theory especially in medieval times, the concept of evolution was not much appreciated for the reason that origin of organisms was regarded as Gods creation. This idea claimed that organisms came into existence in a way that they were unchanged, hence going against the notion of evolution.Many scientists like Immanuel Kant established a notion of descent that was close to modern view; were he suspected that organisms may have originated from a common ancestor .His analysis emerged from studies of Orang Utang which he claimed had capacity to develop structures similar to those of man. Despite the fact that his theory is currently linked with modern views; the theory never gave any plausible mechanism that would drive changes in organisms.Carolus Linnaeus is another scientist who is viewed as the father of contemporary taxonomy in relation to his work of hierarchical classification in both plants and animals. In his theory, he viewed hybridization in plants as a process that could produce new plant species. However, he still supported the theory of creation that goes against the theory of evolution. Erasmus Darwin (Charles Darwin’s grandfather) was also a very illustrious naturalist who believed that life could have originated from a common ancestor. His theory states that the disuse of organism’s parts could in their own mechanism make the parts grow or shrink.