lastly for their own growth i.e., higher education system. It is always debated, as to whose responsibility it is to maintain the quality of education whether policy makers, administration, universities, teachers, society or students. I consider this is a joint responsibility of all stakeholders, which needs coordinated efforts and definite commitment to improve the system. I feel the university system should take lead as they have got pool of intellectuals with infrastructure to do research and training. The university departments like education, sociology, and economics could take projects in their drainage area, directly or through affiliated colleges in which they can, evaluate the enrolment rates, drop out rates, quality of education and underlying reasons; evaluate the teachers and infrastructure available and workout remedial measures. These remedial measures could be implemented in some of the schools on experimental basis and within a few years the outcome may be studied. The successful module may be sent to government for implementation or convince local community to take over the responsibility. This will be a great national service by the universities.