The plays An Inspector Calls carry a strong political message. The playwright, Priestley, uses tension in order to carry this political message throughout the play. He uses them appropriately for the time in which he is writing the play and for the time in which the play is set. The play is set in 1912, just before the war. This was a very difficult time for England. It was a time when there were many strikes, food shortages and great political tension when it was hard to find a well paid wage by only finding jobs with cheap labour. The play was written and published later on in 1945, just after World War II,Prestily shows the audience by using this strong character that in the early years of 1912 they used a very unfair how the system worked by their classes between the upper and lower classes very strongly throughout the play. He uses the Birling family as a important people as the Upper Class and Eva Smith as one of the workers Lower Class. Priestley shows how in 1912, Upper Class citizens, such as the Birlings had no respect for Lower Class citizens. He uses this class divide to carry his message and to show that the rights which everyone should of be treated the same just because they are from a wealthy family doesn't mean they have to as successful as them, and lower class getting treated badly who work harder than them.