
There are certain factors or behaviours that are frequently seen in individuals with intellectual disabilities. These challenging behaviours take on various forms such as hitting out at people, kicking, throwing objects and pulling hair. Other behaviours displayed include unwanted sexual contact and self-injury. Non-physical behaviours observed can be deliberate soiling, wetting and vomiting and smearing or flicking faeces (Joyce, 2001, p130). Of all these behaviours it is the violent and aggressively natured ones that staff find most difficult to deal with and punching and slapping rated highest in the frequency of behaviours in a study by Sawuck and Reeves (2003, p9). This study examined the range, type and frequency of challenging behaviours in the intellectually disabled population by using a “checklist of challenging behaviours” (CCB). Methodologically, this study used a rating scale of challenging behaviour, by sending the CCB to a small cohort of staff members in an intellectual disability residential setting. The results indicated that the residential service users surveyed displayed aggressive and violent behaviours that are more difficult to manage and more severe in nature than those shown by a large proportion of people with learning difficulties. It is debated that there are various reasons for these findings. For example, the answers given in the CCB are subjective and violence and aggression in a small residential setting is more highly observable and arguably, consequently more likely to be recorded. Methodologically the study has reliability and validity issues such as the small cohort that makes this study unable to be generalised to the intellectual disabled population as a whole. However, debatably, the results have clear indications for staff training in behaviour management strategies.