
It is important to assume that although breakfast club is a whole school entitlement, not every child starts the school day having eaten a sufficient meal or indeed any food at all. In order to prevent hunger, raise attainment and promote healthy eating the school also provide the children with free snacks throughout the day, which include fruit and raisins.School X provides every individual with a water bottle, which they keep in the classroom. This ensures the children have unlimited free access to water throughout the day, nevertheless the water bottle system does appear to have some shortcomings. On many occasions the children appear to 'time waste' and spend a considerable amount of the session avoiding work. This could be minimised by having a specific drink time, however this would eradicate the independent and 'free access' factor.The classroom environment is very much child-centred as all materials are accessible and the room is divided into learning areas. In order to facilitate learning and for the children to feel safe, the psychological needs of the individuals must be met. This can be achieved by thoughtfully arranging and positioning furniture which is age appropriate and providing affective dimensions