
For a utilitarian, the decision is quite simple. individuals are all worth the same so saving five people would be worth more than saving one person; the switch would be pulled. For a deontologist, it’s harder because a strong deontological constraint is against murder and to pull the switch would basically be the direct murder of a person. If a deontologist didn’t pull the switch, then they would not have broken their constraint and also not directly have killed.Personally, the deontological approach to the dilemma is unappealing. Not making a choice can be seen as making a choice in itself. The deontological idea of not pulling the switch leads to five people dead, and in my personal opinion, five people dead is worse than one person dead. Killing may be wrong, but like a utilitarian, it’s better if a fewer amount of people die.Although deontology criticizes utilitarianism for lacking the acknowledgement of individual morality, following deontology could possibly lead to worse consequences than following utilitarianism. This is what, in my opinion, make utilitarianism better. My decisions typically revolve around finding the best overall outcome rather than the outcome specifically tailored to my interests. Therefore, the theory that prioritizes maximum well-being seems the better of the two.