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随后,我把所有的图纸一起使用PowerPoint来完成,因为它是一个容易和访问软件的用户可以创建和设计在多困难的幻灯片和它是不适合学习者(无穷远,美国国债)。孩子是非常激动,因为它是第一次在这里看到的数字形式的故事,而且她参与创建它。安切洛蒂在PowerPoint的功能可以很容易选择儿童动画/效应可以是个更好的portray这里的故事。例如,一个孩子到窗帘开幕效应显示开始她的故事。效果是,在软件中使用的数字的故事使儿童有效的链接到他们的故事,并证明自己的故事在儿童理解的阅读理解中得到改善(鸟,2007)。通过展示的方式和有吸引力的互动故事书使用效果,我相信它会支持孩子的识字学习的话通过链接到的图像是根据布鲁纳的儿童时代,从1 6年在他标志性的表示,第二模式,信息是存储在一个儿童学会形式的图像(麦克劳德,2008)。因此,一个录音机记录使用一个孩子的声音,因为“写作与真实语音有动力让你付费的关注与理解”(肘,1981年:299引用在尼尔森,2010)。语音记录不允许孩子表示她不能写东西的话(尼尔森,2010),因此在价格没有障碍儿童感觉她自己的词汇和我说这个词的时候,她可以看到,她没有写在这里的故事。孩子想把音乐和语音的系统,这里我想显示它来表达情感和故事的时候,她需要什么。完成编辑后,我演奏的幻灯片和她的伟大的工作计划,来为处理前的故事和有趣的reread一遍CAN节目是什么来的孩子的努力。
Subsequently, I put all her completed drawings together using PowerPoint because it is an easy and accessible software where users can create and design their slides without much difficulties and it is suitable for new learners (Boundless, n.d). The child was very excited as it was her first time seeing a story in a digital form, moreover, she was involved in creating it. PowerPoint has the function where the child can easily choose the animation/effect that allowed her to portray her story better. For example, the child chose the curtain opening effect to display the starting of her story. The software effects that are used in a digital story enable children to link their story effectively and demonstrate understanding of their own story where children get to improve their reading comprehension (Vogel, 2007). Through the attractive and interactive way of presenting the story telling using the effects, I believe it will support the child’s literacy learning through the linking of words to image as according to Bruner, children from the age 1-6 years in his second mode of representation, iconic, the information that children had learned is stored in the form of images (McLeod, 2008). I also chose to use voice recorder to record the child’s voice because “writing with real voice has the power to make you pay attention and understand” (Elbow, 1981:299 cited in Nilsson, 2010). Voice recording had allow the child to express things she cannot write in words (Nilsson, 2010), therefore the child felt no barrier to explore her own vocabulary and I can see this when she said words that she did not write in her story. The child wanted to put music alongside with her voice and I agreed as it will display her emotions and expressions when she was creating the story. After completing the editing, I played the slides and praised her for her great work as treating her story interesting and reread it again can show the child that her effort was worth it.

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