Customer in the market consists of individuals mostly female who purchase cosmetic products for their personal use. Cosmetic products are regarded as the most personal and due to this reason consumer take high personal interest in selecting the brand. Majority of users in the market are brand loyal customers who usually did not accept substitute in the market, no matter how closely it may be related to the product (DataMonitor, 2010). There are different brands available in the market, and each of the brands caters to the needs of different customer's segments. The most promising segment in the market is the upstream segment that has the strongest demand not only terms of value but also in terms of quantity and repeat purchase as the mentioned segment take most care of their skins and cosmetic needs (Jenster, 2003). As most of the target market in the market is insensitive to the price due to strong brand preferences, one may term the bargaining power of customers as low to moderate.