
During the interview I easily gained and established rapport and trust with the assistance of reiterating how much this study will assist others and how much their opinion means. Once rapport was established I explained to the respondents the need of the digital tape recorder was explained. All questions were asked in the same order to compare data systematically. The questions were concise, standardized, and open-ended to allow for free thoughts to occur from the participants. Once the interview was completed, participants were asked if they would like to add anything. It was explained that their information will be kept confidential and that they will receive a copy of the typed transcript in the mail and to make any changes, sign, and return to me. Known as member-checking, this procedure ensured that the interpretation made was free of any errors, and was concise and accurately reflected the message of the participant.Participants were assigned an alphanumeric code to ensure confidentiality. The meaning units were then ranked, compared, and reduced from meaning units to themes and tracked using a spreadsheet to reduce the data into identified themes. Concepts and themes that emerged from the interview process were compared and analyzed. Upon reviewing each transcription, a content log of meaning units were reviewed, and emerging themes were recorded on an Excel spreadsheet. In this study, emphasis was placed on the perspectives of the special education teachers; thus, the outcome of this study should have an impact on the way students with learning disabilities are assessed, which may cause teachers to review their classroom homework policies and procedures to best meet the needs of these students.