
Non-participant observations involve the researcher not taking part, simply observing as an outsider, without the knowledge of those being observed. For example: sitting at the back of the classroom (with the teachers' knowledge) observing the how the children behave without their knowledge of being observed.Although observations allow for actions to be seen rather than told, one of the disadvantages of this research method is "What counts as evidence becomes cloudy immediately in observation, because what we observe depends on when, where and for how long we look." (Cohen, Manion and Morrison: 2007: 396).This alludes to the fact that observations, especially in the classroom can be rather short in relation to time, with data therefore only representing part, rather than the whole story.For the purposes of this research, observations were not undertaken to gather data. The main reasons for this were the limited amount of data that could have been collected, the dependence on a number of factors including child behaviour/attendance, and the distance that would need to have been travelled carry out the observations. It was thought that to get teachers opinions and views, observations would only give a snapshot of their classroom practice rather then what they actually thought personally.