
是有效的,领导者在欧洲范围内的一个领导者应该有一个参与型领导风格,他认为对变革型领导(尼斯,1994)。变革型领导风格是有效的,在欧洲的背景下,因为越来越多的欧洲社会正在出现的多元文化,人们属于不同国家正在参与该地区的经济活动(德班,2007)。在这种情况下,领导层必须对人民群众产生理想的影响,影响他们的行为,激励他们为国家的繁荣和经济目标的实现而努力。多元文化社会提供了不同的挑战,但通过有效的领导,这些挑战可以得到解决,挑战可以转换的机会。这是因为多样性一直被视为积极因素,通过有效的变革型领导的领导能把挑战转化为机遇如果积极的动机和承诺对国家利益是确保(Kirkpatrick & Locke,2005)。通过把个性化的关注,不同的不同群体,并考虑到独特的需求和遇到的问题,不同的组内的国家,领导可以有效地完成其既定的目标和目标。
Essentially, France may be considered as different society when compared with Germany and due to this reason the leaderships in both the country varies. Perhaps, this is the reason that although Sarkozy and Merkel are both considered effective leaders in their respective countries, the fact is that both the leaders have different leadership style (Durban, 2007). Apart of the differences in their respective leadership style could be attributed to the fact that both the countries have different diversity, culture and gender sensitivity that in turn affect the effectiveness of leadership (Sidle, 2005). For example, Germany is considered a multi-culture society where the diversity issue is much more than what exist in France where comparative a national culture exist. In addition, Germany may be regarded as gender-sensitive society whereas France is comparatively lesser gender-sensitive society where equal rights for both the gender exist (Paumeir, 2011). All these factors in turn affect the leadership style and the effectiveness of leadership in both countries (Bennis, 1994).
To be effective, a leader in the European context a leader should have a participative leadership style where he believes on the transformational leadership (Bennis, 1994). The transformational leadership style is effective in the European context, because that increasingly the European society is emerging as multicultural where people belong with different countries are participating in the economic activities in the region (Durban, 2007). In such sorts of situations, it is imperative that the leadership should have the desired influence over the masses to influence their behavior and inspire them to work for the national prosperity and accomplishment of the economic goals. A multicultural society offer different challenges, however through effective leadership such challenges could be resolved and the challenge could be converted in an opportunity. This is because diversity is always regarded as positive factor and through effective transformational leadership a leader could convert the challenge into opportunity if positive motivation and commitment towards the national interests are ensured (Kirkpatrick & Locke, 2005). By placing individualized attention to the different diverse groups, and considering the unique needs and problems encountered by the diverse groups within the country, the leadership could effectively accomplish its stated goals and objectives.