在小学和中学阶段是非常重要的教师在使用观察的方法,因为从这一阶段,可以确定哪个半球有更多发展的学生,有两半球右半球和左半球,但每个半球不同行为主导。而右半球则负责控制创意和艺术能力,如空间技能、面部识别、音乐以及控制身体的左侧。左半球负责控制理论和逻辑能力如微积分,数学,文学,和控制身体的右侧(Wolman,2012年5月12日)。Â然而,两半球共享信息通过无情的身体。由于这些原因,教师在使用的观察方法是很重要的,当使用这种技术,并确定哪个半球欠发达的老师必须使用一定的策略来唤醒大脑不发达的部分,有必要考虑在小学和中学阶段,学生有更多的创新能力,这个原因,一个成年人是在学生的技能非常重要,例如,当人们成年人释放创新能力,当人们想跑的公司,他们有很多的恐惧,导致他们的公司是因为他们认为可能失败(鲁滨孙。K,2006)。在这一阶段很重要,因为现在学生增加创造力,因为如何在视频“做学校扼杀创造力?”(鲁滨孙。K,2006)Ken Robinson说,”Picasso说:“所有的孩子都是天生的艺术家。问题是我们长大后仍是一名艺术家。“我坚信,我们不会变成创造力,我们成长了”。这些原因是非常重要的考虑与科学创新。然后,教授会是谁赋予这个意义在他们班上所有的日子。
In the primary and secondary stage is very important for teachers who use the method of observation because from this stage it is possible to determine which hemisphere has more development a student, there are two hemispheres as right hemisphere and left hemisphere, but each hemisphere is dominant for different behavior. While the right hemisphere is responsible for controlling creative and artistic abilities such as space skills, facial recognition, music as well as controlling the left side of the body. The left hemisphere is responsible for controlling academic and logical abilities such as calculus, math, literature, and control the right side of the body (Wolman, May 12, 2012). However, the two hemispheres share information through the callous body. For these reasons, it is important for teachers who use the observation technique, when using this technique, and determining which hemisphere has less developed the teacher must use certain strategies to awaken the part of the brain less developed.Is necessary take into account that in primary and secondary stage is when the student has more creative capacities that an adult person for this reason is very important to work in student's skills, for example when the people are adults have loosed the creativity capacity so when the people want to run companies, they have many scary to lead their companies because they think that possibly fail (Robinson. K, 2006). In this stage is important that the student add creativity because in this moment because how in the video "do school kill Creativity?", (Robinson. K, 2006) Ken Robinson says that "Picasso said: "all children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up." I believe this passionately, that we don't grow into creativity, we grow out of it". For these reason is very important consider the creativity with the science. then the professors would be who infuse this meaning all the days in their classes.