加拿大护理作业代写 人口老龄化
Keywords:加拿大护理作业代写 人口老龄化

加拿大人口老龄化问题的根源是该制度未能适应医疗保健部门不断变化的人口需求。因此,有几个解决方案可以用于恢复加拿大医疗保健系统,该系统以前以质量和有效性而闻名。首先,联邦政府应该制定一项针对老龄化人口的保险政策。具体来说,医疗保健系统已经准备好为老年人提供医疗服务,特别是如果他们能够结算账单的话(Valle, 2016)。一项针对老年人的保险计划将消除联邦政府的负担,因为老年人将支付他们的账单。换句话说,他们将在经济上独立。因此,无论他们是否得到医院、家庭、社会、初级、辅助生活和长期护理,他们的保险将满足他们的医疗费用。但是,要实现上述解决方案,医疗保健实体应该以协调的方式有效地共享信息,确保以患者为中心。此外,联邦政府应在老年人中发起一场促进健康生活的宣传运动。在数字时代,生活方式的改变导致了人口老龄化的众多健康问题。例如,许多人都有久坐不动的生活方式,他们坐着工作的时间更长,吃高热量的食物。因此,他们变得肥胖,这是很多人在老年经历的问题的根源(Russell, 2017)。此外,政府应该劝说人们制定一个退休计划,在那里他们可以存钱以备年老时使用。另一个可能的解决方案是提高退休年龄,让许多老年人继续工作,这将消除对家庭的依赖和政府。因此,老年人医疗费用增加的问题只能通过增强这一群体的权能来解决,使他们不再依赖他人。
加拿大护理作业代写 人口老龄化
The problem of the aging population in Canada emanates from the failure of the system to adapt the changing population needs in the healthcare sector. Therefore, several solutions exist that can be implemented to revive the Canadian healthcare system that was previously known for quality and effectiveness. First, the federal government should come up with an insurance policy that targets the aging population. Specifically, the healthcare system is ready to offer medical services for the elderly, particularly if they can settle the bills (Valle, 2016). An insurance program for older adults will eliminate the burden on the federal government since seniors will pay their bills. In other terms, they will become financially independent. As such, regardless of whether they get patient care from hospitals, home, social, primary, assisted-living, and long-term care, their insurance will cater to their medical expenses. However, to implement the above solution, healthcare entities should share the information effectively and in a coordinated way by making sure that the patient is at the center.Furthermore, the federal government should initiate an awareness campaign for healthy living among the elderly. In the digital era, the lifestyle has changed that contribute to numerous health problems in the aging population. For example, many individuals have sedentary lifestyles where they spend more time working while seated and they eat food with high levels of calories. For this reason, they become obese, which is the source of many problems experienced by people in old age (Russell, 2017). Additionally, the government should persuade people to have a retirement plan where they save money to use when they get old. Another possible solution is the increase of the retirement age to allow many older adults to continue working, which will eliminate dependency on families and the government. Consequently, the problem of increasing medical cost among older adults can only be solved by empowering this demographic so that they can stop relying on others.