The classroom teacher is a powerful role model and influence for the students in his or her class, as teacher's preference can affect students' attitude and treatment of their peers. It also implies that school-based interventions for problematic and peer rejected students are justified. Indeed, most counseling workers have only focused on improving the social skills of these problematic students (Cheung). Decreasing negative interactions between problematic students and their teachers can possibly be a more effective strategy that can be applied to reduce these students' peer rejection.One possible method to guide students in maintaining appropriate behavior without damaging their self-confidence and reputation is to correct students' behavior in private ways. Without drawing unnecessary attention to the other students, the liking or the disliking of the teacher toward a particular student, does not therefore give guidelines to their peers to realize the teacher's cognitions toward that student. In particular, teachers that are skilled in protecting students appear to use nonverbal cues and other less public means of correction (Cheung). Cheung suggests that they also are likely skilled in proactive methods of behavior management and in this way they may decrease the need for behavioral correction. Changing teachers' cognitions about students is important. To change the corrective techniques that they employ, the teachers' prejudices or assumptions about students have to be altered.