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他们清楚地表明,为了减少足球中的种族主义,有必要让少数民族的人参与进来,不仅是作为球迷,而且是作为球员、经理等。FURD指出,英国是第一个试图以有组织的方式解决足球种族主义问题的国家。“让我们把种族主义踢出足球”运动始于1993年,不久之后,“向种族主义出示红牌”运动也开始了。现在在欧洲有一个广泛的努力,“欧洲反对种族主义足球”(FARE)网络。“让我们把种族主义踢出足球”现在已经在英国建立起来,旨在通过各种各样的方面来防止种族主义。“把它踢出去”活动遍及足球、教育和社区部门,挑战种族主义,为积极的改变而努力。(Kick it out, 2007)他们以职业足球运动员和俱乐部为目标,向学校和青年俱乐部的年轻人提供建议。然而,更具体的研究项目,他们也试图防止种族主义在业余足球,从而阻止它成长为专业的一面。此外,他们还结合足球运动中反对种族主义的最新进展,努力帮助各少数民族,特别是亚洲人参与到足球运动中来。(SIRC)指出了两个重要的问题,即种族主义:“……足球流氓问题本身的一个重要因素”(SIRC,(2007)。种族主义的实际程度几乎无法衡量,因为在这方面几乎没有详细的统计数字。足球流氓问题更广为人知,至少直到最近在英国是这样。当然,这是一个争议较少的问题,因为绝大多数人都可以轻易地谴责它。当涉及到种族主义流氓行为时,这个问题就变得如此分裂。因为,在英国似乎仍有许多人以各种方式怀有种族主义态度。
They help make it clear that in order to decrease racism in football it is also necessary to get people from ethnic minorities involved, not just as fans, but also as players, mangers, etc. FURD indicates that the UK was the first country to try to tackle racism in football in an organised way. The ‘Let’s Kick Racism out of Football’ campaign was started in 1993, also the ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ came soon after.Now there is a Europe wide effort, the ‘Football Against Racism in Europe’ (FARE) network. The Let’s Kick Racism Out of Football is now well established within the UK and aims to prevent racism through a variety of aspects. “Kick It Out works throughout the football, educational and community sectors to challenge racism and work for positive change.” (Kick it out, 2007) They target Professional football players and clubs with advice, and try to get to Young people in schools and youth clubs.However, more specific to this research project, they also attempt to prevent racism within Amateur football, and so stop it growing into the professional side. They also, in conjunction with the most recent developments in combating racism in football try to help various Ethnic Minorities, especially Asians become involved with football.The (SIRC) notes two important points, that racism: “…an important factor in the problem of football hooliganism itself (SIRC, (2007). The actual extent of racism is virtually impossible to measure as detailed statistics in this context are almost non-existent.” The issue of football hooliganism was better known, at least until recently in the UK. Of course it is a less contentious issue, as the vast majority of people can easily condemn it. When it comes to racist hooligan behaviour then the issue become that divisive. Since, it appears many in the UK still harbour racist attitudes in various ways.

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