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本研究试图对巴基斯坦的教育制度进行研究。我们有一个继承的行政机构从英国印度(Dr.居尔汗Parveen 2006)描述了“在印度一个正式的教育制度的历史开始的时候,根据东印度公司章程1813;群众的教育责任是由政府接管。它决定了东印度公司的利润,不少于,卢比一紫胶量每年将花在扫盲和教育的印度人的活动。政府引进国家教育制度只是一个很小的开始。然而,从1813到1854没有什么重要的是在教育领域做到1947”,巴基斯坦成为quaid-e -伟大的阿扎姆领导下,穆罕默德阿里真谁把教育作为社会经济变化的仪器1947年8月14日和后来的努力,教育系统必须按照他的设想为满足人民和民族文化的辉煌(Meher Rizvi 2003)进一步描述了自独立以来,它一直试图与教育系统的需要,为达到这个目的的一个教育会议根据穆罕默德的指示,阿里真奎德- E -阿扎姆1947安排国家和灵感,谁提供了未来发展的基础指南这个教育系统应该能适合我们的人,天才或者鲜明的教育发展我们的历史,文化和鼓励的荣誉,最高意义上的诚信,责任,和无私奉献的国家。它也应该提供科学和技术知识来建立我们的经济生活。
This research study has tried to put light on the education system of Pakistan. We have an inherited administrative setup from British India as (Dr. Saleha Parveen 2006) describes "The history of a formal system of education in India starts when in 1813 according to the charter of East India Company; the responsibility of the education of the masses was taken over by the government. It was decided that out of the profit of the East India Company, not less than, amount of Rs. one lac annually will be spent on the literacy and educational activities of the Indian people. It was just a modest beginning on the part of the government to introduce a national system of education. However, from 1813 to 1854 nothing significant was done in the field of education till 1947".Pakistan came into being under the great leadership of Quaid-e- Azam Mohammad Ali Jinah on 14th August 1947 who viewed education as an instrument of socio economic change and it was later on endeavored that the education system must meet the brilliance of people and culture of nation according to his vision as (Meher Rizvi 2003) further described that since independence, it has been tried to relate the education system to the needs and inspirations of the country and for this purpose an Education Conference was arranged in 1947 according to the directives of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinah, who had provided the basic guidelines for the future development of education that the education system should/can suit the genius or brilliance of our people, our history, culture and encourage the highest sense of honor, integrity, responsibility, and selfless service to the nation. It should/can also provide scientific and technical knowledge to build up our economic life.

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