Many students and working adults who want to go back to college are choosing online programs. Distance learning through online programs makes education easily accessible and affordable to most sections of the population. Most of the working adults and single moms and elderly populations step backward going back to college because of the reasons like how they are going to fit in to the college environment, how they are going to adjust their daily work schedule with college. Distance learning makes education more convenient in a way that students can choose their study time according to their daily work schedule. The cost of commuting to the college and time to commute to the college is taken of or eliminated. Though the initial cost of developing learning material and resources is high, in a long run it is economical as they can be used for a greater period of time and for maximum number of students. On the other hand more research needs to be done on how effective are these distance learning courses when compared to on ground courses. Are the individuals attaining the same level of knowledge and skills that are attained on ground and how well are institutions faculty prepared to manage and respond to the large amount of online data that they receive during the course of an online program? And how institutions are prepared to deal with the copyright or intellectual property rights policy if any of such kind occurs during the course of the online program.